im having great problems with booting my rpi

December 9, 2022, 18:24


I just downloaded the default rpi systen onto my SD card and when i put it in my pi everything goes great until the welcome screen flashes for about a second and then my rpi starts shining red and the screen turns off. Please help.


<@625037684053770240> the voltage can drop when you use a crappy Smartphone charger


It worked before


Im pretty sure i turned it off while it was writing something


And since then it just doesnt work


then do the standard steps, make sure sd card isnt broken, no files corrupted etc.


This is the exact problem im having


Would anybody mind explaining the way the guy fixed it


I didnt really understad


Anybody gonna help me out???


are you able to ssh into it after the screen turns off? I read through the link but still have a few questions. As much as you might be experiencing the same things, is your system the same? Are you using rpi os x64? What monitor do you have it plugged into? Have you tried a different monitor, or hdmi cable, or the other hdmi port?


I am using rpi x32


The monitor res i will have to check


I dont know what ssh is


First thing i am planning to try is ti buy a new sd card


If that doesnt work i will try a different monitor


I would try re-imaging the SD card before just buying another one. I doubt the sd card would be the problem. Are you using an adequate power supply? This could also cause issues.


Do you know the ip address of the rpi? Can you ping it after the screen goes blank? Having some linux knowledge is going to help you in the long run with your rpi... having ssh enabled allows you to access the terminal and run commands remotely from another device.


I tried re formatting the card


The power supply worked before


Were you able to find the ip address of the pi and ping it once it started up and the screen went blank? Have you tried a different power supply? Do you have a different sd card you could try loading a different OS on just to test that it's not a hardware issue on the pi?


If not the Pi... Could it be the monitor? You could test that by SSH'ing into it, if you have networking knowledge. If you used a cheap SD card, that could def cause problems, but you could check that just by re-imaging it and seeing what happens.