Velleman VMP400 and RasPi

March 2, 2023, 09:04


I just set up my VMP400 and installed the drives on a fresh RasPi image. Its a 2011.12 RPi 1 Model B. Everything booted fine, SSHd in, followed the instruction manual. Pi rebooted, touch screen is black. If i run sudo ./LCD-hdmi, I can reboot and get HDMI output. I am going to work on it a bit more tonight. Any guidance would be very much appreciated. Thank you!


I forgot how slow the old Pis are. lol


I may have answered my own question. The SD card failed the PI test. When I switch to HDMI, the display is bright white again. I am going to image a new SD card and try another SD card adapter.


Well, with a much newer, faster card, and brand new adapter, it still fails the test, but runs much better. bullseye InRelease is waht the display is pulling from. Perhaps the new release of the default Pi with desktop is the wrong distro to run the screen.


Update: Ran code again, same result. Backlight with black screen. Maybe I will try an older OS...


Update 2: I went ahead and loaded stretch. gonna see what happens.


Update 3: Good lord, it works! I loaded 2018-11-13-raspbian-stretch-full, then set SPI to Yes. rebootes and installed. Not sure how to mark it as resolved. Maybe other OSs will work with that settings change, however the manual didn't call out enabling them. There is a bit of overscan, but it works!


Pounding through onscreen keyboard setup, and man. My old Linux intuition is coming in handy. So many packages to -get


Part of me wants to set the overclock to turbo, however even though I have heatsinks, I'm reluctant to do it. Not even sure it's worth risking on such an old device.


Well, I can't seem to get the system Windows to fit the screen. Is there a good way to modify the os, or tell it that the scroll bar for a 30 entry list of packages needs to be a bit more scrollable? As in, not skip everything from the top to the bottom and vice versa? The touch seems to work well enough.


well, how do i close this


cause I ain't workin on it for a while