Raspberry pi 4 wifi confusion

April 20, 2023, 11:42


Im currently making a project using the Raspberry pi 4 for my final examn. Its an Nx-Witness camera system that is supposed to be cloud accesable as soon as you connect it to wifi and power supply. now i have the system functioning as long as i have it connected to internet via UTP. the problem arises when i connect it to wifi. whenever i disconnect the UTP cable and connect it to wifi, it will display as being connected, but wont connect to the cloud, and wont allow me to use anything that requires a connection. so i assume this means its not actually connecting to the internet. does anyone know how i can troubleshoot and potentially fix this?


You provide no facts! What is the output from
ip a
How do your infrastructure look like. Have you other devices connected to WiFi and is that working?


Its the company wifi, so it most defenitely works. proven by the fact my laptop is connected over it as we speak. I'm unfamilliar with the "ip a" command, But here's the output




and this is how it looks when i disconnect the ethernet from the pi


Ohhh no, NOT pictures


i dont see what's wrong with pictures but i can send it in text if you'dd prefer.


Are you using a static ip for your wifi or dhcp? Are you reloading dhcp after you unplug the cable? Maybe also check “ip route” to make sure there is a default route using your wlan. Some of my thoughts…


I have no idea honestly. Aside from school work ive barely used the pi. How can i check the points you mentioned?


Assuming your running raspian, send the output of “ip route”. You could also try “dhcpcd -r” once your disconnected from eth to refresh the dhcp lease on the wifi.


default via dev wlan0 proto dhcp src metric 303 dev wlan0 proto dhcp scope link src metric 303


Here's the output from "ip route"


i also tried dhcpcd -r And it output the following


dhcpcd: option requires an argument -- 'r'
usage: dhcpcd    [-146ABbDdEGgHJKLMNPpqTV]
        [-C, --nohook hook] [-c, --script script]
        [-e, --env value] [-F, --fqdn FQDN] [-f, --config file]
        [-h, --hostname hostname] [-I, --clientid clientid]
        [-i, --vendorclassid vendorclassid] [-j, --logfile logfile]
        [-l, --leasetime seconds] [-m, --metric metric]
        [-O, --nooption option] [-o, --option option]
        [-Q, --require option] [-r, --request address]
        [-S, --static value]
        [-s, --inform address[/cidr[/broadcast_address]]]
 [--inform6]        [-t, --timeout seconds] [-u, --userclass class]
        [-v, --vendor code, value] [-W, --whitelist address[/cidr]] [-w]
        [--waitip [4 | 6]] [-y, --reboot seconds]
        [-X, --blacklist address[/cidr]] [-Z, --denyinterfaces pattern]
        [-z, --allowinterfaces pattern] [--inactive] [interface] [...]
       dhcpcd    -n, --rebind [interface]
       dhcpcd    -k, --release [interface]
       dhcpcd    -U, --dumplease interface
       dhcpcd    --version
       dhcpcd    -x, --exit [interface]