got a Libre computer board, an GALL-h3-CC and this little 2 inch led stv7789v but can't connectem

August 25, 2023, 06:29


I've scoured the internet in order to plug these two together, l've referred to the pin out diagrams of both these things, and I know that libre and raspberry pie are not one and the same but I'm praying someone here knows more than me. This cute little emulator set up was a gift from my best friend so I'm kinda outta my element here<:sadblob:1021204158587600916>

ST7789V can be interfaced in several ways, see datasheet. SPI is one of the most commonly used from what I have experienced. And Raspberry Pi have SPI interface and Im sure your ALL-h3-CC have it as well. So read and I think that will get you on the way.'

CS = Chip Select, CEn = Chip Enable n. n = Zero (0) = Pin 24 on Raspberry Pi, Check

I hope that this made it clear