Looking for a todo list/calendar eink display; Is Inky Frame 7.3 inch with pico w onboard for me?

September 9, 2023, 11:37


I've been looking into this board: Inky Frame 7.3 With Pico w aboard! Background: I'd like to make a todo list/calendar that I can look at at any time on my wall and have it updated through my pc! I am happy with making GUI applications using Qt Creator in C++, or really anything in C++! Would sending jpegs/bitmaps to Inky be viable over the network? Details: I hate using Python but could suffer through it if C++ is inferior for some reason for this project! Is this display + board combo for me? Would you suggest another? Thank you!!


Great, thank you! ❤️


Will you release your code/HW on github or similar?


Yeah, that sounds fun! I'd love to!


GitHub is where I'll keep the code :3


Oya, ordered one! Very excited!! :3


Oy yes, it has arrived now! :3 Finally going to play around with it! <3 Thank you again for the article!


How can I use C++ with my Inky Frame? I'm struggling to find resources on this!


Under "Features" will you find a link to "C/C++ and MicroPython libraries" https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/inky-frame-4?variant=40443825094739


Oh I've found this before, I just don't understand how to convert the C++ code to somehow run on the pi!


<@313027926817898501> You need to compile the C++ source code with make. I would suggest a book or online CBT/Tutorial in the subject. And perhaps also reconsidering to go the Python part that has a lot more tutorials and examples.


Thank you! I could use a tutorial for sure - I've barely touched non-automated C++ procedures (Mostly used Qt Creator). As for Python - thank you but no, I cannot do that. I could easily code in Python if the syntax wasn't so vile for me personally. That and I just cannot live without proper typed languages with proper debugging, IDE integrations, etc! If I make an error, I want it to crash and burn so I can fix it. I really only need an introduction to the inbetween of the language / raspberry / inky relations ^^


No I don't. I code some in "C++ like language = Arduino" and when I encounter a badly documented library I read the library source code. I agree that Python is messy and I prefer well structured languages as well. But I'm also pragmatic and uses Python when it is feasible, the law of less resistance. 😉