Arduino distributes compiled versions of Raspberry Pi's "elf2uf2" tool along with the installation of the "Arduino Mbed OS RP2040 Boards" platform, and the 3rd party "Raspberry Pi RP2040 Boards" platform 58 does the same. So if you have installed either of those via the Arduino IDE Boards Manager, you already have the tool on your computer. You can also get the compiled tool from Arduino directly from the download links under the "Assets" section of each release page here:
Or the same here for the earlephilhower 20 version here:
Of course, this tool uses the .elf file, not the .bin. The Arduino IDE 2.x Sketch > Export Compiled Binary feature (as well as arduino-cli compile --export-binaries 8) also save the .elf file to the build/arduino.mbed_rp2040.pico subfolder of the sketch folder.