where can i find the range of what my static ip can be

October 8, 2023, 17:40


kinda confused, some ppl put in anything, some others say it has to be within a range? thank you for answers


Some context is missing here. What is it about? What are you planning to do?


i want to make my pi's ip static


what are the ranges of ips i can set it to?


i heard different things, theres a range and that you can put anything


do you have a source where this statement is made? So I know it only so, the router gives the address range and if you want to reach the Pi, you must give him an IP in this address range. I don't think you have VLAN at home. Do you have access to the router? Because there can be a conflict if you set a fixed IP in the Pi, but the router distributes the IP dynamically.


im saying i heard different things and would like to ask someone that knows what it actually is. i have access to the router yeah.


then set in the router that the Pi should always get the same IP. What you heard there is completely unknown to me.


If you have a DHCP in your network it can tell you what it uses for dynamically assigning IP adresses to DHCP clients. The rest is free adr. that could be used for static adr.


But I wouldnt use static IP. I focus on getting DNS and mDNS working so when Im SSHing to my Raspberry Pi in the red Lego case I connect with ssh pi@pi-lego, static IP is and should be RIP.


<@796000224690307072> is static ip not recommended perhaps for pi hole or something? i always see tutorials of pi hole where theres a step before the install where they set the ip of their pi to static. thats where i got the idea from and am asking about it


If you want PiHole to be a DHCP server, then it is demanded to be a static IP.


And to get a "static" IP can also be achieved by configure a "Reserved DHCP address" in the DHCP server


I prefers to use "Reserved" addresses, then you have the documentation over your IP addresses in the DHCP server


you can give it a static ip by giving it a reserved ip from router yeah, but is there a benefit to doing it like that? i dont understand your point, you have documentation over your ip addresses in dhcp server?


Doc = Yes


so if you apply a stastic ip to it thats below the starting point of your dhcp pool you cant have documentation for it?


i dont understand what you mean by having documentation over your ip though


dont know much about the topic evidently


If you have a static IP it will be outside the DHCP scoop and you need to keep a list on a piece of paper/spreadsheet or similar. If you reserve a IP within the DHCP scoop, then can you often add a comment ex. "My Raspberry PiHole".


ah thats what you mean. yeah or you can just check on the device itself where you set it, no?