Pi 5 Order

October 29, 2023, 18:12


I ordered my pi 5 almost a month ago and it seems like everyone else already has one. Why???


Thepihut says why: If you received (and used) a ‘Priority Boarding’ code from your MagPi or HackSpace magazine subscription, your order will be amongst the first to ship! Raspberry Pi has ringfenced stock for the Priority Boarding promotion. Your pre-ordered boards/accessories will ship from the end of October. More information on Priority Boarding: The MagPi Priority Boarding HackSpace Priority Boarding Standard Pre-orders First batch If you placed your order before 28/09/23 10:00 (UK Time), we estimate these pre-orders will start shipping at the end of October and early November Second batch If you placed your order between 28/09/23 10:00 and 28/09/23 20:00 (UK Time), we estimate these pre-orders will start shipping November/December Third batch If you placed your on/order after 28/09/23 20:00 (UK Time), we estimate these pre-orders will start shipping early 2024 No idea where you ordered.


I ordered on pi shop.us


Only people who paid 60 or more extra dollars for this MagPi or hackspace (or whatever it is called) magazine subscriptions got their pi last week.


Its a new release and many that want one! And you will get one when its your turn.


I just got lucky, was walking through Microcenter and they had 5 of them on the shelf.