Raspberry pi 4B display intermittent ONLY ON PI OS

November 23, 2023, 14:11


Hi there I come here in search of answers (I'm aware there may not be any). First off the basics: I have 2 pi 4b's and both have the same issue. The issue: I have done multiple installs across multiple MSD cards and it still happens, I'm using the generic PI OS 64X from the PI imager and to get a display across both raspberry pi's I have to hold a cable to the side, this has been tested with about 5 brand new and used cables and I still get this issue. The second I let go of the cable the display will either wig out or straight up stop displaying, so I began to think maybe I keep getting cables that are faulty (unlikely but possible) or both of my pi's across all 4 micro HDMI ports are faulty (also unlikely yet also possible). The really weird part: I had a random thought, I plugged in an MSD card with Retropie installed on it AND THE ISSUE ISN'T THERE! I can wiggle the micro end of the HDMI cable all I want, nothing, zilch, nada. It just works and this has got me entirely stumped is there something I'm doing wrong with the pi OS install? because I never had this problem previously. Regards - FrostSpark I will attach videos below ignore the mess on my desk.


Attached here is the retro pi working fine


I tried messing with the config txt and I’m still having issues


Tried force hot plug and hdmi boost


apon buying a brand new hdmi cable i have come to discover they arent meant to wiggle and it is all working now