I purchased a pi 5 8GB. Looking to go to Arcade 15khz monitor

December 15, 2023, 23:37


I know there are several options for previous pi models and the 5 is pretty new. In a few months after I am done with the woodworking on my arcade cabinet, I am looking to use the p5. I am not seeing some of the options for 15khz say they are compabitble with the pi 5. I also would like know what what the best USB encoders might be to get my controls working and coin mechs to register with MAME. Looking for suggestions.


15khz monitor?


I think you meant 15hz


Or I'm just ignorant






Arcade monitors take RGBs 15khz signals.


There is a part that's cool called pi2Jamma that does this for pi 3 and 4 but I cant' see anything that says it's compatible with the pi 5


It doesn't have to say "compatible with pi 5" to be compatible, try your luck if you got a spare


I don't own a pi2jamma. They are like 120 bucks.


I don't want to spend 120 and risk it not working. But I mainly inquiring if there are other ways to do it with the pi 5


Woah, aren't they just a gpu and few other things


I'd prefer to NOT have to go the pi2jamma route even if it's compatible because it's so expensive.


I'm just see if anyone has opinions. I've heard of VGA 666 adapters... but then with those you have to adjust the screen position for each game which doesn't sound great.


Maybe try finding old machines with old graphics cards


Is there's any comprehensive wiki/doc about the pi2jamma?


I've been trying to find any but only found a forum and a user manual


Couldn't find any technical documentations nor find anything that could replicate its job


I haven't looked in to it too much because I've kinda put it out of my mind as an option at it's current price point


looking into this and if it's possible with a pi 5


My pi5 is still in the mail on its way to me.


appears to be made for a B


This is actually looking promising


The Jamma board for arcade


I have an email out to the site to see if it's compatible with pi5