Pi 5 Docker exit code: 159

December 27, 2023, 23:16


Hello, I purchased a Raspberry Pi 5 8GB. This is my first Pi. When I try running any containers I get an exit 159 error or I just get "no matching manifest for linux/arm/v8 in the manifest list entries". I installed by doing: curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh sudo usermod -aG docker $USER I have stripped my docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile to the bare minimum: docker-compose.yml: version: '3.8' services: app: build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile image: myapp container_name: myapp restart: unless-stopped tty: true Dockerfile: FROM arm64v8/php:8.2-cli RUN apt-get update -y When doing "docker compose up" I get: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c apt-get update -y" did not complete successfully: exit code: 159 And it's not just the update command, when I remove it and do anything else I keep getting exit 159. I've tried many different php images. main@raspberrypi:~ $ uname -m aarch64 main@raspberrypi:~ $ docker version Client: Docker Engine - Community Version: 24.0.7 API version: 1.43 Go version: go1.20.10 Git commit: afdd53b Built: Thu Oct 26 09:08:26 2023 OS/Arch: linux/arm Context: default My Pihole works fine though..? version: "3" services: pihole: container_name: pihole image: pihole/pihole:latest ports: - "53:53/tcp" - "53:53/udp" - "67:67/udp" - "80:80/tcp" environment: TZ: 'Europe/Amsterdam' WEBPASSWORD: 'REDACTED' volumes: - './etc-pihole:/etc/pihole' - './etc-dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d' cap_add: - NET_ADMIN restart: unless-stopped I am very confused what could be causing this. I am using the distro that came on the SD card. If you need any further information please let me know 🙂


Read https://discord.com/channels/818384379197784084/1189386838788542464 And the section about formatting text


And the error indicate that the OS differ from the docker image (32bit vs 64 bit).


And please be specific! . I am using the distro that came on the SD card. What is that, when I buy a SD card its empty, no OS is on it.


actually, there are people/company nowadays who sell sd cards with raspberrypiOS on it for absolute beginners


Yeah I bought a kit and it was stupid to assume it was the standard for an SD to come with an OS preinstalled. I checked the site where I bought it and it said the SD comes with "NOOBS and Raspberri Pi OS with Desktop environment". main@raspberrypi:~ $ cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="12" VERSION="12 (bookworm)" VERSION_CODENAME=bookworm ID=raspbian ID_LIKE=debian I have a 256GB 2.5" SSD laying around so I ordered a usb 3 to sata which will come in tomorrow so I'm assuming I'll have to install a new OS on there. I'll probably install Raspberry Pi OS with desktop Release date: December 5th 2023 System: 64-bit Kernel version: 6.1 Debian version: 12 (bookworm) from raspberrypi.com


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