Emulate nintendo switch pro controller with pi 4

January 3, 2024, 11:54


I am looking to be able to send inputs through my pi through a program or set of code that would be configurable like a macro, but am having trouble understanding projects and instructions. Just got a pi and dont have very much programming knowledge.


https://github.com/mart1nro/joycontrol found this but i dont know what it means lmao


do you have any experience with linux? or even using command line tools on a windows computer?


and do you have your raspberry pi running?


Not really


and yes i have it on pi os


like the desktop os


ok, so most of the commands there are terminal/CLI commands. For the most part you copy+paste in the commands and run them in the terminal. The normal Raspberry Pi OS will be an "Ubuntu" version, not "Arch". (there is a different command labelled for each) It says to "clone" the repository, thats basically just another word for downloading it. Click the green button near the top of the page, and then select "download as zip" After it downloads you'll need to extract the zip file to a folder then navigate to that folder in the terminal. The command "CD" lets you do that (Change Directory) eg, CD /home/Hannah Will take you to the home drive of the user Hannah (not sure what name you set it up with) Then you can run the other scripts there. Give it a go. Be warned, things will probably go wrong and it's best if you try and do a bit of research yourself. It might seem like giberish at the start, but you'll slowly start picking up on things and connecting the dots as to how some things work and what the commands actually mean. This will give you a decent overview of some of the commands and the way some things work https://raspberrypi-guide.github.io/programming/working-with-the-command-line don't be afraid to break it. The worst you can do is need to wipe the SD Card and re-load the software like you've already done.




Can i download it over usb? I dont want to get out my laptop with an sd card reader if i dont have to


download what? the joycontrol project from github? Just do it with chrome on the Pi?


also, i'd recommend looking at turning on VNC Server on the Pi, so you can remote control it from another computer. Assuming you have a home computer set up in your study, etc, that might be easier for you to use that way then wherever you have your Pi set up


forgot abt the built in browser


i have a capture card that i use to display it onto my pc anyways so ill look into it but prob not necessary


fair enough. VNC just means you don't need to worry about a 2nd keyboard/mouse for it. Less clutter, etc