January 8, 2024, 20:50
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LanikSJ/neofetch/master/neofetch chmod +x neofetch sudo chown root:root /usr/bin/neofetch sudo mv neofetch /usr/bin/neofetch## Delete the default motd sudo mv /etc/motd /etc/motd.org ## Create a neofetch.sh in /etc/profile.d Edit sudo nano /etc/profile.d/neofetch.sh An past the text below into /etc/profile.d/neofetch.sh
# neofetch as Message Of The Day (motd) export TEXTDOMAIN=Linux-PAM . gettext.sh neofetch## Change ownership of neofetch.sh to root sudo chown root:root /etc/profile.d/neofetch.sh ## Change SSH Server config In /etc/ssh/sshd_config replace or add the string #PrintLastLog yes with PrintLastLog no ## Tweaking the neofetch config file First you need to run neofetch, neofetch to create a default configuration file. Then edit to your liking, nano /home/<user>/.config/neofetch/config.conf ## CPU temperature Change cpu_temp="off" to cpu_temp="C". This needs Neofetch 7.2.8 ## Insert this to show the outdoor temperature:
# Replace "Stockholm" with your city prin "Weather" "$(curl wttr.in/Sstockholm?0?q?T | awk '/°(C|F)/ {printf $(NF-1) $(NF) " ("a")"} /,/ {a=$0}')"## Replace automatic with Raspbian as Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit) is detected as "Debian".
ascii_distro="Raspbian"When you log in with SSH the next time you will be grated with a nice "Raspberry Pi" info.
print_info() { info title info underline info "OS " distro info "Hardware" model info "Kernel " kernel prin info "Uptime " uptime prin #info "Shell " shell info "Terminal" term prin info "CPU" cpu info "GPU" gpu # prin "CPU Temp" "$(vcgencmd measure_temp | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')" info "Memory" memory info "Disk" disk prin info "Local IP" local_ip info "Public IP" public_ip prin info "Users" users prin # https://wttr.in/:help prin "Weather" "$(curl wttr.in/Stockholm?0?q?T | awk '/°(C|F)/ {printf $(NF-1) $(NF) " ("a")"} /,/ {a=$0}')" }To add the last time an apt update/upgrade was executed.
prin "Last updated" "$(cat /var/log/apt/history.log | grep 'End-Date' | tail -1 | sed 's/End-Date://g')"Check if there are any new packages to update. This can take a little time.
prin "Packages that can be updated" "$(apt-get upgrade -s |grep -P '^\d+ upgraded'|cut -d" " -f1)"