Low latency video streaming

January 10, 2024, 19:55


Hey! I have being at this for a while, I am trying to stream the video captured on my pi camera on my raspberry pi to my PC live via the network. Although I have done so successful the latency has been high, the lowest I have gotten is 5 seconds which is way to much for my project. Anyone who knows this kind of stuff willing to help? Thanks!


Include your process so we can help reduce latency.


Also are you using some third party to send it to your computer?


you probably doing something wrong, latency over local network shouldnt be more than a few ms


And do you need it only to be locally transmitted?


Yes I know but I have tried so many methods but I end up having high latency or no video at all.


And if possible make it wired, it'll be much faster


I have no process.


I have had it on ethernet, still 5 seconds of latency


probably your cam or your software is doing some post-processing?


That's abnormal, how heavy is the output of the video? And is the issue from transmitting or receiving?


It is the raspberry pi camera v2, probably not the camera ig.


The transmitting has always been very low latency whichever method i have used. Recieving is the problem.


I have used all kinds of methods, ffmpeg, v4linux or smth like that


some c scripts


whatever youtube has told me


How do you recommend I do it?


Inspect the cable, and check whether it can handle the load, nothing else I can help with.


And a goodnight sleep sometimes fixes issues, seriously it does.


Tried it via network too, either way it should not be 5 seconds of latency. It is insanely high.


I have had 10 good nights sleep (jk i have been frustrated out of my mind haha) so yeah. I have now turned to the professionals


At least me I'm no professional. How large the output is?


Dont really remember, I have the figure 1200kb in my head but idk if its per frame or per second.


Maybe the RPi is processing the data into bulks?


Probably per frame since it didnt change when i changed fps


Maybe it has a buffer? Idk. I have tried everything twice, I really just want to have someone who knows the stuff to talk to


Idk nothing, just thinking of possible problems. If you figured it out inform us, it's a really interesting thing lol.


Yeah keep an eye out on the post 😄


I'll try to remember to ping you if we do any progress