Help with lightdm

January 28, 2024, 18:50


Hey, the ticket bot doesn't work so I post my problem here... I installed docker (a parrot os image on it to be more precisely) and now when I boot, lightdm.service fails to start, so I have only a black screen with the white underscore on the top-left If some1 can help me 🙏



1. you arent supossed to use the ticket bot for help that goes here. 2. if possible post text as text and avoid pictures like this as much as possible, also if you are posting a picture please crop it


i would suggest you try using raspberry pi os with docker on it

Your description doesn't make sense? This is because installing docker don't touch your graphical environment! What OS do you have from the start/installed on your Pi? Is it Parrot OS? What Pi model do you have? How did you install docker? What else have you done that you omit in your description?


hey, sorry for not responding, i have raspberry pi os x64, i have a pi 5 model b 8 gigs and i installed docker from their official guide (you know, adding repo and installing with apt) and i tried installing an image of parrot os in docker..... it ended like this


the ticket bot didn't worked when i wanted to do it

And when you referred to "installing an image of parrot os in docker" how should I be able to verify that? YOU MUST provide URLs to what you state, I don't guess!


It's kasmweb/parrotos-5-desktop

Good, that container image has support for arm64. I see that docker uses VNC (KasmVNC) and Raspberry Pi OS uses Wayland that has caused a lot of VNC issues. I see on KasmVNC issues some wayland issues has ben reported.

Check the KasmVNC issues if they re like yours.


I don't have kasmvnc


I didn't installed it

Parrot OS do use it