Ph Sensor Using ADS1115 - Raspi Zero W

February 27, 2024, 21:05


Hi, i need to connect Ph sensor to raspberry pi zero w, it requires an ADS1115 to convert signals. can i connect Ph sensor's GND to ADS1115 and Raspberry pi with one cable? one cable going out from Ph sensor splits into two cables, one for ADS1115 GND and the other for the raspberry pi GND.

GND or ground needs to be connected to all devices.


appreciate your response, my question was can i split the GND cable going out from Ph sensor into two cables, that means one side of the cable has one male pin the other side has two female pins one goes into the raspberry and the other goes to the ADS1115.

I don't know what you mean by split! But if that means they are electrically connected then it is a yes.

But as a generall rule, you should avoid long ground wires, keep them as short as possible.


Sorry for the inconvenience


I got an answer from another person



Can this be done?


VCC connects to 3.3v

It depends on the length and the area of the wires.

This is how I would have done it


Cool! Thanks for you time