Adding On/Off kind off feature to Raspberry Pis before Pi 5

March 24, 2024, 15:09

In the latest model of Raspberry Pi (Pi 5) is an on/off switch finally a reality. An firmware change a couple years ago has an shutdown features been added, but that has passed under the radar for many. ## Shut down button The shutdown button, not really a off button but close enough can be added between GPIO3 and GND or GPIO on the old Raspberry Pi 1 B ). The default GPIO3 can be changed by adding a row to /boot/config.txt and that is dtoverlay=gpio-shutdown,gpio_pin=XX where XX is the number on the GPIO ping you wish to change to. ## Restart/On button An also quite unknown feature is the reset feature (RUN) that can be used to start the Raspberry Pi from a shutdown (halted) state. This is a 2 hole jumper (or 3 on Raspberry Pi 4) and by adding a button here will by resetting the Pi get it to boot from the previous halted state. This can't be changed or reprogrammed to another GPIO pin!* ## Conclusion By adding two push buttons, a Raspberry Pi can get a "kind of" on/off feature. And the reason for "kind of" is that a shut down will not turn off the power, just place the Raspberry Pi in a HALT state.