# how much are you willing to spend?
Ofcourse this is the obvious question 😂, before reading this think of a number in your head of what you actually want to spend. Each Pi is only about 5$ apart from each other since the raspberry pi foundation does want them to be accessible, so they are all quite cheap - especially for what they give. But the face value isn't everything, for example the pi 5 is about 20$ more expensive than the Pi 4 when it comes down to the needed extras since most people don't have a spare 5V 5A power supply laying around. Now you've read it I also expect you to do some research and maths on how much everything cost. Find the Pi you want, then make sure you have a [power supply capable of supplying the power it needs](
https://discord.com/channels/818384379197784084/1196069993331310702 ) - if you don't then you need to add that to your cost - along with a [SD card](
https://vtechinsider.com/what-sd-card-for-raspberry-pi/ ). I also highly you suggest that if you have a pi 4, pi 5 or pi zero then you get a micro hdmi cable since it is very useful for debugging even if your going to do a [headless install](
https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/configuration.html#setting-up-a-headless-raspberry-pi ) .
### TLDR:
- on the face of it pis are pretty cheap but you have to think about the extras
- I suggest you to create a shopping list beforehand with everything you want to get including:
- power supply
- SD card
- i recommend a micro hdmi if your getting a Pi 4, Pi 5 or Pi zero
- see if the cost conforms with what you'd thought it'd be or would like it to be