Half-Life PortMaster ArkOS error?

March 24, 2024, 18:33


!!!! NOTE: This isn't exactly a Raspberry Pi issue, but the systems are incredibly similar and this problem mostly involves a form of (i believe) Linux, which I know this community is very knowledgeable about. This is the last place I wanted to ask this, but I already posted it everywhere that is dedicated to this stuff and got ZERO responses. Thank you. I'm trying to play Half-Life through PortMaster on ArkOS, but the game won't start. When I run it the first time on startup, it shows a terminal with some lines about copying config files for HL, OF, and BS. But then it boots back to the menu. Checking the log.txt file reveals this error: "taskset: failed to execute ./xash3d: No such file or directory". Extra info: I'm using the 2nd slot SD card. The system is an Anbernic RG353PS. The PortMaster is updated to the latest version, and Half-Life worked even less before the update (didn't even show the command prompt). The file structure of the port (how i have it set up) goes: "ports" contains "Half-Life", which contains "valve" (half life 1 files), "gearbox" (opposing force files), and "bshift" (blue shift files), as well as the default files that came with the port. Note that "xash3d" IS, infact, among these files. I also copied it to all 3 game folders, and the "binaries" folder, which has 3 subdirectories name after the 3 games that, for whatever reason, I cannot open on my PC. The error says that they are corrupt, but I have not changed them myself.