raspberry pi 5 speaker problem

March 27, 2024, 07:36


Hello, I'm using Raspberry Pi 5 8gb version for a project. For a text to speech app, I need to use speakers to listen the assistant's voice but there is a problem. I plugged the speakers' jack into a sound card and I plugged USB port into my laptop for power supply and I got a sizzling sound from the speakers. They're working when I used on my laptop but they're not on Raspberry. How can I solve this problem?


First of all you need to install the drivers for the USB card, but as you haven't told us what kind it is impossible to guide/advice you further.


Hello thanks for the answer. My USB sound card need no driver for usage


Can you take a picture of how it is connected? I have a suspicion, but I would have to see how it is connected.