I pulled out a hard drive from an old laptop. How should i power this ?

May 2, 2024, 10:19


I pulled out a hard drive rated at 5 volts and 0.55 amps from an old laptop. Can the USB port on the raspberry pi 4 power this such that i only need a sata to usb adapter, or will i need to buy one with its own power supply ?


Remember that you also need to count in power consumers such as keyboard and mouse.


i read through it, and while im not too familiar with all the jargon in there it seems like i will need to buy a SATA to usb adapter with a power supply for the hard drive ?


Its simple math, + and -. - What Power supply do you have? - What Model of Raspberry Pi do you have? - What keyboard do you have connected?


its a raspberry pi 4 with 4 gigs of ram. I dont have anything connected to the pi except for an ethernet cable. the power supply (for the raspberry pi) is a phone charger rated at 5 volts and 4 amps. my problem is whether i will need a separate power supply for the hard disk or will the usb on the pi be able to power it ?


If the HDD is rated 550mA and a Pi 4 can deliver up to 1200mA on the USB.


ok, but is it recommended though ? will i have any problems ?


1200mA is what the Pi USB can deliver in total and that is what Raspberry Pi 4 datasheet say.


jesus christ you are one unhelpful dude


is this a bot account ?




Ahhh you wish to have the answer on a silver plate!


Yes, there are people who don't want to use their heads...