library installation in seperate environment does not work

May 3, 2024, 22:31


Hello guys, I currently got the problem that I can not really install the "mysql-connector-python" library. Its only possible when I go to a separated environment and use pip... But when I'm back to the code then, some other librarys I installed previously cant be found anymore... So all the depending import lines are underlined in yellow... Especially the "import RPi.GPIO" can't be fixed. Im quite new to Linux, python and Raspberry, so maybe tehre are some things I don't know and someone else could help me please?


When I select the interpreter of the venv I can use the mysql.connecotr library but some other libraries are missing (spidev, openpyxl and RPi.GPIO). When Selecting the other Interpreter I cant use the mysql.connector library...