School project python raspberry 0 help

May 11, 2024, 11:21


Hello everyone I need help with my school I create a system for bike safety and I do this with a raspberry pi 0 I connect to the raspberry in ssh and I connect with RealVNC viewer but I can't do anything the connection works 1 time out of 4 and once connect I can't do anything it crashes often and I often have a loss of connection to the raspberry someone can help me (I'm French I write with Google translation so if sometimes what I say is not correct it may be for that)


What did you enter when installing the OS? What command are you trying to use for the SSH connection? Do you have the correct login data for SSH and VNC? By the way, you have to activate VNC beforehand, but this is only possible if the Pi is already running, so you need at least the SSH connection first.


i can run the VNC but juste is crash all the time now i juste want to install a programe so i do it by the cmd with the commande "ssh pi@VeloSecur"


and the VNC is like that 3/4 time


the ssh and VNC are active the ssh work perfectly juste the VNC does not respond


Have you activated VNC via raspi-config?


By the way, the Pi 0 does not have very much RAM. A headless OS would be the better choice here. Do you really need a GUI on the Pi itself for this bike safty?


i think yes bc i run try to run an Object Detection with a camera and bc it is for school i need to show what the camera see




You can also start windows from the console. But I don't know how to do that, you would have to search for it yourself. I don't think it will work with VNC because of the low RAM.


okok thanks


Need help again