[✅] Raspberry Pi 4B Wifi and SSH configuration with Imager Not Working, sth to do with dynamic IP?

May 26, 2024, 09:49


I used the Raspberry Pi Imager OS customisation to configure wireless LAN and enable SSH with the SD card; it worked yesterday but it doesn't anymore for some reason. Problem: I logged into my wifi router and checked that Pi is not connected. Pinging pi from terminal returns request timeout. Hypothesis: IP address returned when I successfully pinged pi yesterday is different from the one I'm getting today. Yesterday's IP (blacked out in last picture) looked like 000.000.000.XXX where the 0 part is the same as my router address (192.168.~) and X is different. The IP address I'm getting right now (first picture) is different for all 12 digits. I assume this might have to do with static vs dynamic IP address, but I need help resolving this. The red and green lights do come on properly (red always on, green flicker for 20-30 seconds then off). I would appreciate any input! Thank you.


Which number does the IP start with?


Hi, here is an update with the respective IP addresses. This is very odd..


I would advise you to check the IP with this https://www.whois.com/whois It is also best to reset the OS and change the host name and user name, do not use defaults such as raspberry, raspberrypi, Pi etc. If you want to enable access to the Pi from the internet, this is the first thing hackers will try and is therefore a security risk.


To reveal your 192.168.x.x address is no risk as that is a class called "Private IP" and they are not allowed to route on the internet. The rule for ISPs is to throw those addresses if they receive them from another partie.


As for the IP adr. in the picture that indicate that the Raspberry Pi has connected to another network with public IPs (starts 208.30.x.x).


I would advice you to connect a display and check the status with the commands: ip a to show the IP adr. nmcli to show what WiFi network you are connected to. Note nmcli has a sub command structure that I don't have in my head so...


And regarding using "IP adr". There is no need to use IP as they can change and.. so use the hostname that utilize the mDNS as the hostname will be the same, but I recommend to change it from the default raspberrypi so you don't get conflicts with other Raspberry Pis if you buy another one.


I see, thank you very much.


When I configured LAN, I only set it with one SSID. Is there any reason why my Pi would have connected to another network and how it would have done so?


I did it!!! Thank you so much


I still recommend to use hostname (mDNS) as it avoids the hassle you got.


Will do, thank you!