PiHole works through Wifi but not through Ethernet

May 28, 2024, 10:03


Hello, I wanted to run pi hole in directly on the clients. It hast just worked by making changes in the etc/network/interfaces file namely i put the ipv6, which comes out on ip a inet6 for eth0 in there. And i added ipv6 on the interface/settings/dns. On my PC, that runs on lan and on my laptop that runs on wifi, i changed the IPv4 DNS to the address of my pi Hole. And i changed the IPv6 DNS to that IPv6 I added to the interfaces file but left out the last part of it. The Laptop runs pi hole well. The PC does not. and when I put the lan cable to my laptop it also does not work. So pi hole runs on wifi but not on lan (im a complete newbie)


Either turn off the WiFi or set Privoxy (the program behind the PiHole) to be working with that network only in the configuration. During the boot process it should check which network is connected. To have two running might cause difficulties. So, if you are run LAN, best turn off WiFi and you have no problems anymore.


these are the current problems on my debug log to solve: [ DIAGNOSING ]: Networking [✗] No IPv4 address(es) found on the eth0 interface. [✗] No IPv6 address(es) found on the eth0 interface. [i] Default IPv4 gateway(s): [i] Default IPv6 gateway(s): and [ DIAGNOSING ]: Discovering active DHCP servers (takes 10 seconds) Scanning all your interfaces for DHCP servers Timeout: 10 seconds DHCP packets received on interface wlan0: 0