Raspberry Pi 3D Scanning Rig

June 25, 2024, 11:37


I'm working on a 3D scanner rig and I'm about to buy the necessary components. Can i get some help double checking the components are compatible and the right choice for my system?


Of course, thats why plp are here.


When you type all text as a big blob I don't read it, please divide it into paragraphs.


Microconroller: Raspberry Pi 5. Additional Components: NEMA 23 1.3Nm stepper motor 2x NEMA 17 0.59Nm stepper motor Small stepper motor for turntable control Motor Drivers & Power Supply - Unsure what to pick. Should i go with driver for each motor or a multi motor solution and what should i choose?


I would use a separate power supply to the motors as they are noicy (electrically speaking). As for driver for the NEMA motors that I would do a cost vs. benefit comparision.


Could you recommend what power supply/supplies I should use and compatible drivers for the nema motors? Something lower budget. I saw that nema 17 and nema 23 require different types of drivers and also I might need a step down module for the current coming from the PSU. Any recommendations for that as well? Thank you for the help!