Libary Adafruit not found

June 26, 2024, 15:02


Hello there I am a second semester physics student. We want to build a weatherstation equipped with a few sensors. I am new to the raspberry pi programming stuff. I have a code that should read the sensors and create a csv table. Once i try to run it with the sensors on the raspberry i get the following: No modul named AdafruitBMP. (It refers to import AdafruitBMP.BMP280) I know that that means adafruit is not installed, yet i dont find a way to install it. Until now ive gone throught numerous websites to find a solution but none seems to work. Note: Not all of my code is written by me a small portion is made by chatgpt so i dont understand everything the code does but most of it is made by me.


Edit: It seems like I just solved the problem but another emerged. It doesnt recognice the sensors on I2C