Best way to do moving graphics

July 2, 2024, 00:36


What would be the best way to display something like this? the red dot in the middle moves around rapidly, and the numbers change rapidly. Would C# or Python be better? And what package should i use?


Not using wifi so can't do a webpage


why cant you do a webpage? You do not need wifi for a local page


If you're sure you dont want to use a webpage you should pick the language you're most confident in as thatll be the easiest language for you to use


Also python has pyqt which would probably look the best but it may take you a while to learn if never used before


You don't? Im new to this usually I use godot engine for C# but never worked with linux much


How would I send the data over without http requests? Or do http requests still work if your on the same machine with no wifi


You just need a .html and you can have a webpage on your local machine. In the web browser the URL with just be the directory of the HTML. I assume you can just use some sort of backend like django to change information on the webpage or just javescript but I dont like doing websites so I dont have much experience


Alright thank you, ill see if JS can access gpio pins


Thats where it gets complicated because they use npm, last I checked(like 4-5 years ago) it wasn't possible to use that with a web server


in that case I think the easiest way to approach this is to create a program that stores data somewhere that you can access using javascript(if possible, I do not use javascript) in your website.


Yea I'll try that out and see how fast the data can be written and read, needs to be like every 200~ms