July 20, 2024, 11:22

raspberry pi 5 smbus2 BlockingIOError

Running the sample code below from smbus2
from smbus2 import SMBus, i2c_msg

# Single transaction writing two bytes then read two at address 80
write = i2c_msg.write(80, [40, 50])
read =, 2)
with SMBus(1) as bus:
    bus.i2c_rdwr(write, read)
I got error below
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/", line 62, in <module>
    bus.i2c_rdwr(write, read)
  File "/home/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/smbus2/", line 658, in i2c_rdwr
    ioctl(self.fd, I2C_RDWR, ioctl_data)
BlockingIOError: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable
and checking the i2c device by running
sudo dmesg | grep i2c
i got this message
[22341.795707] i2c_designware 1f00074000.i2c: i2c_dw_handle_tx_abort: lost arbitration
July 19, 2024, 22:23

Can't login via SSH

I recently bought a Pi 5 and am completely new to all of this. I installed Raspberry Pi imager and edited the settings and created a user name and password and also enabled SSH. I then put the micro sd into the Pi and opened command prompt to SSH into the pi. It asks for my password and I input the one I created on imager but it says password denied. I then put the micro sd back into my computer to check the password and it completely changes it to a long password in which I cannot see. I want to know why it switches it and how I can figure out what the password is. Thanks.
July 18, 2024, 23:08

ssh denied

i have tried making a ssh file in the root sd adding a usercomf.txt and doing this and I still get access denied when trying to ssh
July 18, 2024, 22:14

need help setting device tree overlay for PCM1862 ADC to use it as system input!

Hello! I'm having some troubles setting up an appropriate .dts file that sets up the PCM1862 as a valid audio device on CM4. I have two different pieces of code that are correctly compiling and not hiting any error while setting them using sudo dtoverlay. The first one of them is to enable the PCM1862 as a valid i2c device and the second one tries to integrates it with the sound system.

/ {
    compatible = "brcm,bcm2711";

    fragment@0 {
        target = <&i2c1>;
        __overlay__ {
            status = "okay";

    fragment@1 {
        target = <&i2c1>;
        __overlay__ {
            pcm1862: pcm1862@4a {
                compatible = "ti,pcm1862";
                reg = <0x4a>;
                status = "okay";
This one is working ok, when I use the i2cdetect -y 1 I can see that the corresponding address turns into UU. The next piece is where the issue starts, i can run this dtoverlay without kernel errors, but it's not adding them as a valid audio device, I could check this by using aplay-l and arecord-l and alsamixer:
July 18, 2024, 22:08

pi 5 boot issues kernel panic

Hello I have a pi 5 in argon neo 5 nvme case with p3 500gb ssd of crucial, I'm facing kernel panic during boot, have to force shutdown and start a few times to be able to finally boot into it. Im using the latest firmware have tried booting from sd card but the same issue.
July 18, 2024, 20:44

Any Suggestion for M.2 NVME f raspberry pi 5

I want a compatible NVME 2 hardisk for my raspberry pi 5 hat. I would be happy if someone provide AliExpress link for a good one
July 18, 2024, 18:52

Unable to boot after cloning SD card using linux dd command

Used linux dd command to clone an SD card to another SD card of the same size. The dd command copied successfully. It looked like this: sudo dd if=~/imagefile.img of=/dev/<path to SD card to be copied> bs=1M status=progress And that is how the new SD card was imaged (I had previously used dd to get the image file from the original SD card, and that appeared successful too). However, it would not boot. Tried the SD imager program the comes with Raspberry Pi OS and that worked ok. However, online, many people specify commands that match what I did above when using the linux dd tool and it apparently works for them. I hadn't put on a partition table to the new SD card prior to using dd. Would that have been a reason for the dd clone to not work? What should I have done so that dd would successfully clone the SD card containing my Raspberry Pi operating system?
July 18, 2024, 04:54

Check available architectures of local .flatpak files?

On flathhb there is a section on every apps page called "available architectures" and it will list off x86_64, arm64, aatch64 etc. However I have some .flatpak files that don't have pages on flathub, just locally. Upon installation some of them are acting weird but I don't know if that's because it's just not meant to run on aarch64, or because of some other problem that could be fixed. I am asking in a general sense, not for help with any particular flatpak, I just want to know how to get that information myself so that now, and if this happens again, I don't waste time trying to fix something that can't be fixed because it literally just won't ever run on the pi
July 17, 2024, 16:24

Raspberry Pi 4 Cronjob Not Working

Hello, I have a project I am doing for my job where I have to setup multiple Raspberry Pi 4's as Displays for websites. I have gotten to the point of the pi's displaying the websites in full-screen as intended, however the displays were not refreshing as the website changed. After some research I found that a cronjob with xdotool pressing "ctrl+F5" would be my best bet. I used the command "crontab -e" to open cron and added the line: /5 * xdotool key "ctrl+F5" This is intended to refresh the screen every 5 minutes on the clock, but it does not seem to do so. I checked using systemctl status and found that cron is running and active. Anyone know where i could have gone wrong?
July 17, 2024, 14:23

volume knob

July 17, 2024, 08:15

USB Gadget Raspberry Pi Help

I'm trying to do it like in the photo. I want my mouse to be able to move on Windows through the Pi 4 (use HID to do this) I am very grateful for this help. Sorry for my English
July 17, 2024, 07:47

Raspberry Pi 5 Audio Amplifer

I am currently working 3D printed mini arcade machine and have bought the raspberry 5 for it and need some help on getting audio. My plan right now is to buy a audio HAT module that plugs into the raspberry pi 40-pin GPIO slot and the speakers are connected to that audio hat module I also then want to buy a amplifer board that has volume knob I wanted to know if I connect the amplifer knob with a 3.5mm jack that goes from the amplifer to the the raspbberry pi would that work and i will be able to use the knob for volume. hope this makes sense (The blue board is the WM860 audio HAT module that comes with 2 speakers)

July 16, 2024, 20:14

Composite video output

Hi, my first post here. I'm using my raspberry to display video from thermal camera onto my cars navigation screen, the problem is that i need composite video in 320x192 format. My question is it reasonably possible to display composite video in non-standard resolutions from raspberry pi? I mean i can change it in raspi-config, but resolution is set to 720x480@60i for NTSC, 720x576@50i for PAL, also i tried one of those HDMI2AV but they are 1280x720 or some standard resolution. Are there any add-ons for raspberry to output video in specific resolution?
July 16, 2024, 18:55

How to control lots of LEDs and buttons?

Hi, I have a project that requires 36 independently controlled LEDs and 36 buttons. I don't know what I need to be able to control that many LEDs and detect when any of the buttons are pushed. Any ideas?
July 16, 2024, 17:58

Cant click Wi-Fi popup problem

So i was just setting up my pi zero when this popup showed, and i have no idea how to get rid of it and connect to the wifi. (My microusb to usb convertor is too big so it does not fit next to the POWER in cabel) Please help me.
July 16, 2024, 11:50

How to install java 8

I am trying to set up a minecraft server and need java 8 for that. All I can find on the internet suggests running "sudo apt install openjdk-java8-jdk" but i always get this error: "E: Unable to locate package openjdk-java8-jdk". I tried multiple package managers but all with the same result. The oldest version I could find was java17 but that won't work for me Dont know if this is important but I am using a Raspberry Pi 5 8GB with 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS
July 16, 2024, 10:23

How to stream full resolution, full quality, HDR jpegs from a raspberry pi camera v3 to LAN

I have a raspberry pi zero 2 W and a raspberry pi camera v3 wide that I mainly want to use for timelapse purposes with home assisstant. There are 2 ways that I'm aware of to do this: 1. One way to do this is for the pi to constantly send a stream of images to the HA server (another rpi), and then HA can save the current image from the stream when the appropriate HA condition is triggered. 2. The other way would be to only take one image when it is requested by HA, and then store that image locally on the pi and create the timelapse at the end. The issue here is that I'm not sure how I can get the timelapse pi to read the states of the HA server and then take a new timelapse jpeg when the state changes to the right value. In both cases, I want the camera to take still images in full resolution (4608x2592), full jpeg quality (e.g. the default quality factor of 93), HDR on and with autofocus turned on. I know rpi cam v3 can normally only do HDR with a max of 2304x1296, but I don't mind if the camera has to wait to take multiple photos at different exposures quickly after each other at the full resolution of 4608x2592 and then combine them to create an HDR image. So far I have tried to use [Pi MJPEG Server]( to create the continuous image stream, and while there is very little lag on the stream and it doesn't use much memory or CPU, it won't start a stream if I set it to the full resolution (4608x2592), it won't do HDR, and the stream quality is not that great because it has pixelation/blockiness, whereas if I take a still image with libcamera-still the quality is much better. The other way I have tried is to use a dev version of motioneye on 64bit rpi OS bookworm, and while I was eventually able to get motioneye to boot up and get an image from the rpi cam, it took a lot of CPU and memory to even show the camera at 4608x2592 with motion analysis turned off, and this caused the pi to constantly write to swap and lag.
July 15, 2024, 18:07

Hama smart plug, how to integrate it in HomeAssistant that is running on my RPi

Hi, I've just recently begun dabbling with my RPi and I have a smart plug I want to control via HA. HA is running on my RPi. I can't seem to find a good guide, but I can find I will be needing something called LocalTuya
July 15, 2024, 15:23

Uisng Libcamera with raspberry pi cameras in C

Hi, I am trying to use libcamera to do a stereo depth project through C. I am reading through the documentation and to initialise the camera it looks like I need a ID, streams and a unique pointer. I am unsure where to get the unique ID for the camera. Can anybody help me??
July 15, 2024, 11:25

new to RPI I got the board, a psu, micro sd and a fan, what else do I need other than an sd adapter

So I just started watching this course and I was wondering, Other than a micro sd adapter so i can Install the OS are there some other non project specific must haves I need
July 15, 2024, 01:30

how do I use scratch 3 with a cobbler on my Raspberry Pi 5

Okay so I'm really new to this and I'm just trying to figure out how to use scratch in the pie together but I have ran into a little problem every time I look up a how to video none of them are using a cobbler and before I just use female and male pins I want to ask to see if there's a way to convert that but hopefully someone can just tell me how to do it
July 14, 2024, 10:20

Weird signal issues when using bigger amount of RGBW LEDs

Hello, I am trying to control ~50 LEDs in a RGBW LED strip. It works fine when I use 5-10 LEDs, but when I try to use 50, it does behave in quite weird way. The way it behaves in is similar as before, when I was controling 5 LEDs without logic level converter. It tries to do what I want - light one LED up in sequential order in blue, but other colors are randomly flashing and I have no clue what could cause this. I dont have osciloscope to check the data line, but I think the data line might be the issue, any ideas on how to debug this?
July 14, 2024, 02:36

Chromium not launching correctly Ubuntu server

I have a 3b running ubuntu server 24 and I am trying to launch chromium from the terminal with not desktop for a kiosk project i am making. I can get firefox to work perfectly, but unfortinately it does not have SpeechRecognition or widevine support for spotify like chromium. I have already tried uninstalling the snap version and installing it manually with debs but that didnt work either. Here is the gist I am using for the kiosk setup but modified for chromium
July 13, 2024, 18:38

Looking for a battery to power the raspberry pi 5.

I’m making a retro computer powered by a pi 5 running batocera. I’m looking for a way to power it for at least 2 hours. I’m running a 7 inch touch-screen off a usb port so I probably need 5 amps.
July 13, 2024, 18:12

How to run a code on a raspberry pi pico in parralel to another one that stays connected to wifi

Hi, I am trying to make a relay open at some determined hours using a Raspberry Pi Pico W, but i also want it to be controlled with a phone app that i developed, the app works as it connects to a network and when i press a button a command word/key is sent via that network and the pi pico listens on that same network for those keys and executes a code according to the right one, but the problem i've ran into is the fact that when the pico listens on that network for those keys, it does not check for the selected hours to execute another piece of code, i've attached 2 failed variants of that code, neither of them work, can anyone help me please?
July 13, 2024, 12:40

please help

How do I fix this?
July 12, 2024, 18:46

Modelrocket LiveCam

Hi, I want to develop a simple livecam for a model rocket, and I don't know where to start. I want the video to be sent to my phone in real time. Is it a good idea to use the pi pico w with a camera module? And what would be the appropriate range? Also, if there are any smaller options you've heard of, please let me know. Thank you!
July 12, 2024, 10:15

DMA buffer Concurrency

Let's say i have a DMA channel writing into a buffer at random intervals. What if i wanna write to the same buffer from the CPU, would there be a possible race condition problem? I suppose i cannot put a mutex on the DMA channel write. How would i do safely ?
July 12, 2024, 09:15

RP2040 Interrupts of same priorities

I have 8 possible interrupts that can be triggered by 8 dma channels and in a really unprobable case, they could trigger at the same time with the same priorities I cannot find anything describing clearly what would happen. I checked rp2040 datasheet and Armv6 Architecture Reference manual ( ) But none of them describe what would happen... Will the interrupt be "queued" and exectued one by one? Will only the first and second one be executed (because the interrupt is masked when the first execute but only the second one will be "remembered" because there is only on flag) ? Anyone knows where i could find such information
July 11, 2024, 18:36

wlan0 not found in ifconfig

Yesterday wifi was working (until it was stuck in a bootloop) i reflashed it with rpi os 32bit lite and now wifi is not working, i have set a wlan country code but nothing, im using a rpi zero 2w