November 30, 2024, 20:15

nextcloud BadRequestExpected filesize

hi i am using pi hosted portainer for nextcloud on my pi 5 but i get this error when i try to upload files larger than 1 gb. Is there any fix?
November 29, 2024, 10:32

How do you use the individual busses of the TCA9548A multiplexer?

I'm not really familiar with rpi as I'm currently doing this for a school project, but I'm trying to connect 3 VL53L0X tof sensors on my RPI 4B and I have a hard time understanding forum posts online. I want to create individual busses on the multiplexer to control the sensors but I don't know how, where to start, and if i need other hardware.
November 29, 2024, 01:51

Rocket flight computer

Im an amatuer rocket engineer and want to build my own flight computer. It needs to be able to track speed, pitch, yaw, roll, and movment across the x, y, & z axis (lots of focus on the y), in very quick succession. all of this, while under high g-forces, and moving very fast. I know next to nothing about computers and coding though. Does anyone have good recommendations on places to start learning the skills i'll need for doing this? (I fully understand this will be very challenging, but im up for it.)
November 28, 2024, 15:30

AWS SageMaker -> Ollama -> Raspberry Pi Fail

Halp! I've used AWS SageMaker to fine tune Llama 3.2 1B with a set of questions and answers, downloaded the output from S3, but when I try converting it to run in Ollama it seems that an extra two tokens have mysteriously appeared and stop it from working:
% ollama create llama-q-and-a
transferring model data 100% 
converting model 
Error: vocabulary is larger than expected '128258' instead of '128256
If I trick it by modifying the downloaded config.json by changing "vocab_size": 128256 to "vocab_size": 128258` it will then create it, but then running it breaks because the architecture is out by two:
% ollama create llama-q-and-a
transferring model data 100% 
converting model 
creating new layer sha256:27cc8e47a5b0677b27796952267dc8a821d478de44482bee52a2860f01a2d380 
creating new layer sha256:e4e2d5fb1c3129b5ccc8fc5c19d1c06f6e8421f28d7dcfc3e80a081e34ecffdf 
writing manifest 
% ollama run llama-q-and-a
Error: llama runner process has terminated: error loading model: check_tensor_dims: tensor 'token_embd.weight' has wrong shape; expected  2048, 128258, got  2048, 128256,     1,     1
I've tried various ways of converting the model to GGUF and ONNX with a spot of Python first, none have worked so far. Any advice greatly appreciated. Ultimately I want to be able to use Ollama + my model on a Raspberry Pi 5 8GB. Thanks šŸ™‚ PS For reference, when I load and run the model with HF transformers in Python it's fine and I can run inferences fine - it's just transformers is too meaty for my needs whereas Ollama is inference-only optimised.
November 27, 2024, 11:19

ispy (agent dvr) on pi5

i tried installing ispy on my headless pi5 (debian12) following this guide: https://peppe8o.com/ispy-and-raspberry-pi-installing-the-open-source-agent-dvr/ installation is successful, but i cant connect to http://my-pi-ip:8090 over web browser in same network. still kind of a newbie on raspberry, any help or tips would be appreciated
November 26, 2024, 21:48

Touchscreen with Raspberry pi 5 Kiosk Mode

Hi all, I've got a raspberry pi running HA. I've recently purchased another raspberry pi 5 and a 18.5" screen: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CT55BRBC?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title Followed the guide to install OS Lite, Kiosk mode and Chromium but at boot I get the following screen. Does it mean screen is not compatible or do I require drivers/where to get them? Any help appreciated!! Thanks
November 26, 2024, 16:32

Basic button press with Pico and CircuitPython

Hey, Im new to programming Pis and never did it before. Bought myself a Pico 1 (https://www.amazon.de/dp/B08TZX8X9V?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title ). Read some HowTo`s and guides and wanted to start. First thing, very easy. Put in a button and print out the state of the button (True/False). Just be easy peasy, but I cant get it working.... I have the Pico, connected it via USB to my PC. As an IDE I am using Thonny and I installed CircuitPython 9.XX on it., by clicking on the bottom right corner. Selected CircuitPython, selected Pico 1 and pressed install. So far, so good. Everything worked. First test was to turn on the onbuild LED. That worked. Easy Next step was the button. In my head (and in all tutorials), I just had to connect one side of the button to 3.3V OUT, the other side to any GP Pin. So I selected GP13. Then I ran the following code: (check the first pic, else the message is to long) easy code. It prints out the value of the button all the time and it should turn on the LED while pressing. But that does not work... If I press the button, nothing happen. The button.value is still False. Rechecked my wires, everything looks good. My first thought was a bad button. But no, I measured it, it works. I measured the outgoing voltage of the 3.3V Output (Pin 36) and it was 3.3V. Measured the resistance between the 3.3VOUT and the GP13. No connection, then I pressed the button and there was a connection. So my wires are fine. So it has to be either the code or some kind of setting. Since I pretty much copy+pasted the code from here (https://learn.adafruit.com/getting-started-with-raspberry-pi-pico-circuitpython/blinky-and-a-button ), I dont think it is the code. First I thought it is probably some kind of bad connection/wrong circuitPython version/wrong port etc, but since I can control the onboard LED, it has to be the code. Anyone can help?
November 26, 2024, 15:55

Pi zero w nmcli hotspot

I flashed raspberry pi os lite (32 bit) onto my RPI zero w and following this guide - https://www.raspberrypi.com/tutorials/host-a-hotel-wifi-hotspot/ I ran the command sudo nmcli device wifi hotspot ssid myhotspot password 12345678 ifname wlan0 and it created the hotspot, whenever i connect to it on my laptop it keeps asking me for the password and it doesn't connect to it, on my phone it keeps disconnecting whenever i connect. I have tried this multiple times on 2 installations on the same zero W, is this a hardware problem or something? Or is it because i am running the lite version of Raspberry pi os
November 25, 2024, 21:52

Raspberry Pi 5 + HatDrive! NET SSD boot hanging

I have an RPi5 with a HatDrive! NET (https://pineboards.io/products/hatdrive-net-1g-nvme-2230-2242-gen-2-gigabit-ethernet-for-raspberry-pi-5), which boots entirely as expected from MicroSD - and booted like this the SSD is visible and completely usable. Switching over to boot from the SSD, though (by removing the SD card) the bootloader does its thing, the kernel loads and progresses as far as outputting Run /sbin/init as init process (with no following lines regarding arguments, etc.) at which point the machine hangs with the fan spinning at full speed, and not responding to any further input via serial console or USB keyboard. Iā€™ve seen machines be unable to find their root filesystem or have their init sequence fail, or simply kernel-panic - but Iā€™ve never seen this kind of failure before! Could anyone offer any hints as to what I should check next to try to diagnose this furtherā€¦ Iā€™m currently rather stumped šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« (This has been a problem with at least the most recent three firmware/official RPi kernel pairs)
November 25, 2024, 10:48

I2C Module not Found

Hello, I'm trying to get a 9DOF IMU to work on ESP32, I've been trying to run 2 different ones but I can't get them to be found, tried the default SCL and SDL GPIOs and tried different ones too, but it's not working, any ideas why?
November 24, 2024, 19:48

UART / Fingerprint Sensor not working by Simple Test

Out of my depth here. Trying to connect the RPi to a fingerprint sensor. Tested some code which didn't work. Tried to connect the 2 UART pins together (GPIO 14 and 15) and gives me a blank response. Even if I connect the fingerprint sensor on those pins, I get a blank response.
November 24, 2024, 13:33

Raspberry Pi Pico 2 and PWM FAN

I need to create a simple PWM controller using a Raspberry Pi Pico 2 to control a Arctic S8038 - 10K fan. This is my current setup: 1. The fanā€™s GND and VCC are connected to my lab power supply, set to 12V. 2. The fanā€™s PWM pin (pin 4) is connected to GPIO 2 on the Pico. 3. A 10k pull-up resistor is added between the fanā€™s PWM pin and the Picoā€™s GPIO 2. 4. The Pico is connected to my Mac via USB for programming. The C Code: https://pastebin.com/5NFTsGRE When I compile and run the code, the serial monitor shows the message "Fan set to 25% speed". However, the fan runs at maximum speed. Arctic documentation for PWM:
PWM Frequency: Target frequency 25 kHz, acceptable operational range 21 kHz to 28 kHz 
Maximum voltage for logic low: VIL = 0.8 V
Absolute maximum current sourced: Imax = 5 mA (short circuit current)
Absolute maximum voltage level: VMax = 5.25 V (open circuit voltage)
Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong? Fan spec: https://www.arctic.de/en/S8038-10K/ACFAN00279A https://support.arctic.de/s8038-10k
November 24, 2024, 13:23

Problem with magic mirror eink

Ok, so I am using a Pi zero 2 w, and a 7.5in e-ink display from waveshare. I hope I connected everything right. ( see images) I installed magic mirror and this project: https://github.com/winstonma/RPi-MagicMirror-Waveshare on the almost last step, where I should install sudo pip install -r requirements.txt I always get an error externally-managed-environment When I try to start the script with pm2 start main.py --name "eink-update", it shows 0 | eink-update | fork | 45 | online | 0% | 2.9mb and also a second line for "node". then I use pm save, but nothing shows on my screen. When I use pm2 list it gives me an errored status 0 | eink-update | fork | 60 | errored| 0% | 0mb according to my other windows, the magic mirror programm itself should have been started, and accassable with localhost:8080, but idk how to troubleshoot if the error may come from there ( I dont think so ) I also attached images of the board and screenshots , as this is my very first time handeling a Pi and I might have donesomething wrong (?) I'd apprechiate any help

November 24, 2024, 11:38

Pico power supply help

hey, Can I solder the 4 USB cables to these connections here and will it work?
November 21, 2024, 18:24

Webcam microphone wonā€™t work Zoom with Debian or Ubuntu Studio will it work on a Pi

Soo I have tried my Logitech Brio 4K in Debian and Ubuntu Studio and for some dumb reason it will show audio is feeding into zoom but it doesnā€™t actually show that there is audio coming into the microphone in Debian. I know this isnā€™t a Pi specific question but when I move into a van on the road Iā€™m planning on doing most of my internet heavy tasks via a pi remotely #1 for power consumption and #2 soo I donā€™t have to rely on a laptop all the time. Iā€™m wondering whether anyone has had success with Zoom audio and video with a Rasberry Pi with Zoom Audio with Ubuntu on the pi at all?
November 21, 2024, 14:26

Raspberry Pi 4 display issues

I have a Pi 4 which refuses to display anything on both HDMI ports, on both of my monitors. Weird considering it DID output to my computer monitor AND on my TV before they just don't see the Pi altogether. No amount of reinstalling the OS or changing the boot config.txt file solved things. I even tried using different ports on my TV and STILL nothing! Not even a "Welcome to Raspberry Pi" screen or even the bootloader screen! Specs (if you need them): |--- Hardware |------ Raspberry Pi 2GB RAM |------ Vortex 32" TV |------ Proview 21" monitor |------ Booting the Pi from USB |------ USB C to C cable connected to a 3 amp power supply (not the official one) |--- Software |------ Raspberry Pi OS 12 (Bookworm) |------ Latest Raspberry Pi bootloader
November 20, 2024, 17:43

Secure Data with Zymkey HSM on Raspberry PI

I'm trying to do secure data encryption/storage through a raspberry pi and the zymkey HSM. The program should: 1. Store data in a secure, encrypted, format 2. Require a master password at startup to decrypt the data. Doesn't require a password throughout the lifetime of the program to deccrypt data 3. During the lifetime of the program, no other program should be able to decrpyt the data, even if it tries to read the program's memory. (maybe the program should run in a TEE for this?) Looking at the Python API (https://docs.zymbit.com/api/python_api/ ) I can only find functions to lock/unlock data for the whole system, whereas I want data to be unlockable only for the specific program Is this possible, and if so can someone help me with this?
November 16, 2024, 18:54

Microphone for Raspberry pi 4

I have been trying to use a microphone for the raspberry pi aux port but it hasnt been working, the jackd server does not work and i dont know what to do to use the mic, is there any solutions? anyway to maybe use phone as microphone..? any help, really needed
November 15, 2024, 11:47

Issues with Installing Faster-Whisper on Raspberry Pi 4

How can I successfully install faster-whisper on my Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, considering the challenges with installing dependencies like onnxruntime? Are there any specific steps or workarounds to overcome this issue? Additional Information: Raspberry Pi Model: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Architecture: armv8l Operating System: Raspberry Pi OS Legacy Error Message: ERROR: No matching distribution found for onnxruntime Attempted Solutions: Using pip to install onnxruntime directly Could this be related to raspberry pi only? since I tried pip install faster-whisper on my windows computer and it worked fine, but it does not work properly and gives errors like: cannot install faster-whisper, This conflict is caused by faster-whisper 1.0.3 depends on onnxruntime<2 and >=1.14 etc
November 14, 2024, 12:33

Powering a heater with pico

I have small 8w 5v heater films for a project. I vaguely recall someone saying powering things on the pico like this would damage the pico. My project would need to power this heater based on an attached temperature sensor, while also powering a 5v LED on a timer. Should I be concerned about the power draw damaging the pico.
November 14, 2024, 11:24

dropbear-initramfs not working

I've followed the various guides and installed dropbear-initramfs, created the authorized_keys file under /etc/dropear/initramfs/authorized_keys with both the ed25519 and in case it doesn't work with dropbear like some posts said an id_rsa key. I also added my ip config via ip=ip::gateway:netmask:hostname:if:off to /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt as well as systemd.unit=rescue.target to boot into the initrd on next boot. ofc I also did update-initramfs -k all -u What works: The Pi responds to ping. No SSH server is running. (nmap'd it and no open ports) note: I also use the pi as nas and run into issues with it hanging itself in the boot process when the nas drives aren't commented out in fstab so this was one reason to want ssh as to not have to pull the plug and the sdcard just to change 1 or 2 lines in fstab from another device, plug it back in and have it boot successfully. note2: root is locked but this should not be an issue with pubkey auth. I'm at wits end.
November 14, 2024, 07:37

Rasperry-Pi 5 PC Setup

So ne and some Friends are in an electronics school and WE are supposed to Set Up a Raspberry Pi 5 and we Got the right Programm from the Raspberry Site and all and WE have the Power supply connected and alle that but its still Not working Pls Help šŸ„²
November 14, 2024, 05:49

4 Long 5 Quick flashes

Help it wonā€™t boot up and it just randomly broke, video for proof
November 13, 2024, 19:04

unresponsive SSH raspberry zero w v1.1

Hello, i have a rpi zero w v1.1 , i had it in my basement for almost 3 years and i decided to make it an MQTT broker. so i wiped the previous OS and flushed a new. after my fist log in via ssh ... i noticed that the service is freezing. sometimes it stuck after entering password, sometimes when i type it freeze. i tried to flush : 1) Raspberry Pi OS bookworm (also tried the lite version with no GUI) 2) Raspberry Pi OS bullseye (the same as well, no GUI). can anybody help me please?
November 12, 2024, 15:05

not working

saw a project that i wanted to do where i had to copy circuit python into the pico and after it had to disconnect and connect but that never happened
November 11, 2024, 23:35

I want to make a mouse with a PSP2000 joystick on its side, for using in 360 in game movement.

Im totally new to using an arduino and circuits, but i have watched some videos showing how to do it. According to chat gpt, the psp2000 joystick is a 3.3V device. As im going to put it inside of the mouse, im thinking about using an Arduino Pro Micro or Arduino Pro Nano, 3.3V. I still will need to solve the duplicate inpute (mouse input + arduino input). What equipment should i buy, after buying the arduino and the psp joystick?
November 10, 2024, 06:50

MQTT, Node-Red, and Grafana

Hi y'all i'm having trouble on my node-red. THe problem is I'm using my raspberry pi as my weather station while it being my web server. My raspberry pi has different types of sensors and i want my MQTT to read my python script that prints example code:
data = "{"
data += "\"humidity\": " + str(humiditySensorData) + ","
data += "}"

i'm wondering which node to connect to my MQTT out my mqqt in is connected to my influxdb out.
November 9, 2024, 13:04

code for red color

i am working on a shape detection code: my primary goal is to detect ONLY RED COLOR 2D shapes- SQUARE, REACTANGLE, TRIANGLE, AND CIRCLE ONLY. Here's a code i developed with the help of ai, but its not detecting anything red in color, rather its detecting all blue color shapes. can someone help me with this? thanks.
November 8, 2024, 23:49


So ive tried to edit my payload.dd on my pico and i accidentally clicked always open with notepad now the payload won't run as before how do I fix it?
November 8, 2024, 02:58

MCP3208 Only Reading 0s on All Channels with Raspberry Pi SPI Setup

Hey guys, I'm using an MCP3208 ADC with my Raspberry Pi Zero W1.1 to read analog values from a gas sensor (CH0) and a liquid level sensor (CH1). I've followed wiring instructions carefully, but I'm only getting a value of 0 from all channels in my Python code. I've tried switching to an MCP3008 and using 3v instead of 5v but nothing has worked so far. Any help would be appreciated! Hereā€™s my setup: Power Supply: VDD and VREF are connected to the 5V rail, AGND and DGND are connected to the ground rail. SPI Pins: CLK (Pin 13) to GPIO11, DOUT (Pin 12) to GPIO9, DIN (Pin 11) to GPIO10, CS (Pin 10) to GPIO5 on the Raspberry Pi. Sensors: Gas sensor connected to CH0, liquid level sensor connected to CH1. Software: SPI is enabled on the Raspberry Pi, and Iā€™m using Pythonā€™s spidev library to read the values. I've attached a complete diagram of the wiring. Thanks!