bash #!/bin/bash sudo gnome-terminal --working-directory=/home/kiski/SpotifyDashboard/ -- http-server sudo gnome-terminal --working-directory=/home/kiski/SpotifyDashboard/ -- node server.js sleep 2 chromium-browser --app= just shows this Page: (view attatched pic) But weirdly it still shows the correct icon. How can I fix this? OS: Raspberry Pi OS
cs@rpi5:~/prg/libcamera $ libcamera-hello --list-cameras ERROR: no cameras availableAlso there is no option under raspi-config -> Interface Options for camera I also set in /boot/firmware/config.txt camera_auto_detect=0 and at the very end after [all] dtoverlay=imx708. Also I tried several combinations with and without these options. Here is my system information
sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Mapper Mapper[VideoModel(video_model)] could not assemble any primary key columns for mapped table 'video_model'I tried installing using:
pip install Flask-SQLAlchemy sudo apt-get install python3-flask-sqlalchemyBoth worked and output that it's already installed.