September 20, 2024, 10:58

Connecting an OLED screen (SSD1306) and a temperature sensor (TMP117) to the raspberry pi pico.

Hello, for a school project i am trying to connect a temperature sensor (TMP117) to an OLED screen (SSD1306) to display the temperature. I am trying to connect my OLED screen first to my raspberry pi pico but it is not working. I have tried to run my code in real life and in a simulator but i am running into issues to detect the OLED screen. I have attached my error into this post. If anyone could help that would be lovely. thanks
September 19, 2024, 12:43

Weird Led flashing and not booting up

Seems that after removing SD card with Kali x64, LED lights up properly, is it fault of SD card or Kali?
September 18, 2024, 19:55

Failed to attach to default card (Headphone audio problem on retropie)

Hey Guys, I just build a arcade bartop but I came across a issue that includes the audio. The HDMI Audio worked fine but its understandable, that I didnt want the very low volume from the monitor i'm using in my build. For this problem I bought a speaker with a AUX (Headphone Jack 3.5mm connection), which will not work. I set the setting to use Headphone on Raspi-config and Audio settings. I also set the following commands in the config.txt file: (This line should already be in the file, but if it's not then make sure to add it) dtparam=audio=on (Pretends no audio formats are supported by HDMI display, forcing all sound out the 3.5mm headphone jack.) hdmi_ignore_edid_audio=1 As i tried to fix it i came across the error: VolumeControl::init() - Failed to attach to default card! AudioManager Error - Unable to open SDL audio: ALSA: Couldn't open audio device: No such file or directory I'm using the newest retropie version for the Raspberry Pi 4 4GB I would be very glad if someone could help me, because i've searched the internet for many hours and tried stuff with no success 😦
September 18, 2024, 13:24

Bluetooth inactive on raspberry pi 0 wh

September 16, 2024, 05:51

V4l2 rtspserver

does anyone how to resolve of installing the v4l2rtspserver? Basically, I'm planning an senior design project of using the VS creator software for inspecting products and I called the company if I can use other cameras. They told me no but one of their engineers told me I could use a raspberry pi to act as a bridge of using the other camera to the software. I'm currently having trouble right now of using the terminal to getting into the github's password since they are not implement the password authentication no more. I already have the account and everything(repository, personal token code?) It's just I dont ways around in coding wise in here. (I'm an electrical engineering student btw)
September 15, 2024, 13:26

What 125 kHz RFID read / write module to buy

Im making flipper zero like project i already have IR diode from old broken tv pilot but i need rfid and something to read write and emulate it i can do software emulation but need 25$ max read / write module for rpi pico!
September 15, 2024, 11:59

Reflashed SdCard Not Boooting Red Led no output RaspBian

Help needed fast!
September 14, 2024, 08:25

Screen Recording on Raspberry Pi 4B

ok so I'm having trouble with screen recording. I tried 3 softwares (vokoscreenNG, Kazam, and SimpleScreenRecorder) and each has their own problem vokoscreen: I can't record Audio , for some reason it cannot read my microphone, but my raspberry pi can read it kazam: When I hit record, it does record video and audio(i check pulse and it is recording), however the icon to stop its recording does not pop up on the tray so i cant finish the recording. If i force stop the recording, the video file would not play. simplescreenrecorder: this one do record my audio very clear at that, as well as my cursor. However it does not record my screen, it literally only records my cursor moving. can anyone please helpppp!
September 14, 2024, 06:05

MicroPico terminal issue

Morning! This is a question which i find very hard to know where to find the answer to.. but here we go: I use a Raspberry Pi Pico with MicroPython, and vs code as my IDE with the extension MicroPico which works mostly fine! My issue is that when I run a code on my RPP MicroPico opens up a new terminal of its own and that terminal seems to have encoding issues. I want to use my normal Powershell-profile for my MicroPython-shell, this might be much to ask though, but at least it should be proper UTF-8 encoding in the terminal that MicroPico use. Im sorry if this is the wrong forum, im a beginner and I didnt know exactly where to turn.
September 12, 2024, 21:26

Raspberry pi 5 servo jitter

Hello, as most of you know raspberry pi 5 has new architecture, which means almost all old libraries dont work (pigpio, for example). Well im trying to connect a servo with the gpiozero library, but my servo jitters, and i cant use pigpio because it doesnt work. Anyone got an idea
September 12, 2024, 19:48

i can t connect my raspberry pi zero w 2 to my wifi

The first time i flashed the OS in my micro sd card using raspberry image, i flashed the Raspberry Pi OS(32-bit) becouse im using the v2 camera, and i changed the defoult settings, i enabled the shh and the wifi setting the name and the password(I checked it, it's correct and my wifi is 2.4ghz and 5ghz), then i put my micro sd in the raspberry but it doesn't connect. The second time i flashed the OS in the same way but i didn't modify the settings and i just added the ssh file(without exentions)and the file for the information of wifi, i insert IT(Im from italy), my wife name and password(the file was conf) and also this second time didn't work. The third time i used etcher for flashing directly the OS in my micro sd card and i added shh file and the conf file, but also this third time it didn't work. All three times i connect my raspberry to my laptop using my micro-usb cable and i waited for the booting and all the three times i formatted the micro sd card can someone help me please???
September 11, 2024, 11:41

im building rc car and i need help

i'm build one for my small tin and i need find camera or led or light screen on the lid i been get from copilot but not the camera i want something small enough to close the lid and opening lid where i look up see the live feed through monitor and I'm going put emoji or text to see screen which it supposed to surprised the reason for pico 2 is best one right here it has wireless so im getting it if anyone have idea how i get camera or led screen please help

September 10, 2024, 18:41

Multiple keystroke on button press

I'm using the Raspberry Pi Zero 2W and I want to know if it is possible to use the dtoverlay to simulate multiple keystroke with only one Gpio? I want to send Ctrl+C by pressing a single button but I had no luck with dtoverlay. I thought that I could do the same thing with python, a daemon-like script that simulate the keystroke when the two gpio are down, but I don't know how to simulate keystroke on the console (no X11 or Wayland)
September 6, 2024, 20:40

How to wirelessly remotely access LibreElec Raspberry pi 3?

Activate the remote control function of Kodi. On the home screen, click on the Settings button, which contains the cogwheel at the top left. Next, go to "Service settings" Tab "Control" and the option to allow remote control via HTTP. Then enter 192.168.xxx:8080 on the computer in the browser.
September 6, 2024, 03:45

Pi 5 encountering same error over and over again when attempting to install packages

pi@pi5:~ $ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Hit:1 http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm InRelease
Hit:2 http://deb.debian.org/debian-security bookworm-security InRelease                                  
Hit:3 http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-updates InRelease                                            
Hit:4 https://Pi-Apps-Coders.github.io/box64-debs/debian ./ InRelease                                   
Hit:5 https://Pi-Apps-Coders.github.io/box86-debs/debian ./ InRelease                                   
Hit:6 http://archive.raspberrypi.com/debian bookworm InRelease   
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
All packages are up to date.
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
Calculating upgrade... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  i2c-tools libi2c0 librtimulib-dev librtimulib-utils librtimulib7 python3-rtimulib python3-sense-hat python3-smbus raspi-firmware read-edid
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
1 not fully installed or removed.
After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.
Setting up raspi-firmware (1:1.20240902-1) ...
Error: missing /boot/firmware, did you forget to mount it?
dpkg: error processing package raspi-firmware (--configure):
 installed raspi-firmware package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
Processing triggers for initramfs-tools (0.142+deb12u1) ...
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
pi@pi5:~ $ 
don't know why this is happening - was working fine just a week ago. Using a SSD hat, pi 5, adequate cooling
September 5, 2024, 15:47

Can I connect a WG12864B ST7920 with a Pico W?

I wanna know if its possible to connect a Dot Matrix Graphic LCD to a Raspberry Pi Pico W. Cause I have been testing it since this Morning. It couldnt work, btw my Location is in Ankara, Turkey
September 5, 2024, 15:18

Problem with an apache server

There is an Apache server running on the Raspberry Pi with an important site on it. I want to access this site from my laptop's browser. The problem is that both devices are on the same network, but they can't ping each other. Please help me quickly.
September 5, 2024, 04:23

System requirements for RPi Desktop

What are the system requirements for "Raspberry Pi Desktop for PC and Mac"?
September 3, 2024, 14:00

sensors miniproject help

Hello, As part of my sensors class in college, I have to do a miniproject, my group is doing a landmine detection system, Here are the details: We plan to use a custom metal detector as the primary sensing element, that will be mounted above a model field (simulating a drone essectially) a camera module will capture an image of the field and create a coordinate system, then a directional metal detector will find potential landmine locations and map them to the picture taken, then the system should display a list of coordinates This is the plan anyway, we have 5 weeks till the submission, I got a rasberry pi 4b 1gb from a senior for cheap and we plan to use that as a microcontroller, the other teams aldready have a head start on us, so I would appreciate any help on this project, it's my first time working with a microcontroller so I don't know how to do the connections properly or whatever, im not sure whether all the computation can be done with the rasberrry pi or if I will need any other components, I would also Appreciate any feedback or recommendations for the project
September 3, 2024, 03:45

Drivers for LCD 3.5 (A) V3

I've been looking for tutorials to make it work but I think there is no drivers for this screen. This is the first time that I use a raspberry I have experience with Linux

September 2, 2024, 17:23

RP4B+ not booting

The ACT LED (green light) isn't lighting up AT ALL, even when there's no sd card. I tried updating the bootloader, but it does nothing. It was working yesterday, what could be wrong?
August 30, 2024, 23:22

Sending data trough ethernet to FTP (not working)

Hi! I'm trying to use this program with a Raspberry Pi Pico with the W5100S module to measure the temperature and upload it to a server via FTP over Ethernet. However, I get the following error:
MPY: soft reboot
Ethernet initialized.
Temperature: 102.18 C
Connecting to FTP...
FTP error: -6
(This is a program error not python error) Can someone please help me with this? (I'm quite a beginner in raspberry pi and micropython)
August 30, 2024, 20:27

Opinions on NVMe USB component resolder for a project

Posting this here, just in case someone has a better idea (:D). I need to install an SSD on my pi 5. I made a custom case for the raspberry and it doesn't make sense to get an ssd shield, as it would cover the fan (photo below)
August 30, 2024, 16:09

Raspberry Pi5 Drill

so, I got the Michael Reeves drill thing to work a couple days ago, then overnight, it broke and didn't work. I then yesterday, fixed it, and then it broke this morning. I'm at school right now so i'm not able to get the code, but I have a wiring diagram. Pi is being powered by the official wall plug.
August 30, 2024, 11:04

RFID RC522 not working

Operating system: Raspberry Pi OS (64bit) Build number: raspberry pi 6.6.31+rpt-rpt-v8 Debian 1:6.6.31-1+rpt1 (2024 - 05-29) arch64 GNU/Linux Have you read #information?: Yes Board: Raspberry Pi 3B+ Hello, i'm doing a personal project but i cant really get to the end of it. The main objective is simply to make the RFID RC522 scanner work and let it scan cards and chips (i tried different ones including the one that comes with the scanner). It's about the RFID RC522 scanner that apperently doesn't work. I've changed scanners twice when the first and second one didn't work, but they don't work either, so i'm starting to think that the problem is my python coding (which i've mainly obtained thru chatGPT). I've connected all of the cables correctly multiple times, so that doesn't seem to be the problem either. I'll attach all of the lines of code i've written in order on the terminal in order so you can understand better. It would be great if someone could help me since i've been stuck for over a week on this project and really need to finish it.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo raspi-config (SPI activation)
sudo reboot
sudo apt-get install python3-spidev python3-rpi.gpio
mkdir ~/rfid_project
cd ~/rfid_project
git clone http://github.com/pimylifeup/MFRC522-python.git
cd MFRC522-python
python3 setup.py install
cd ~/rfid_project
nano rfid_test.py
#the following lines of code are part of the py file to execute
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from mfrc522 import SimpleMFRC522

reader = SimpleMFRC522()

    print("Avvicina la tua carta al lettore RFID...")
    id, text = reader.read()
    print(f"ID: {id}\nTesto: {text}")

#last command to execute the py file
python3 rfid_test.py
August 30, 2024, 00:27

Rendering an image over VLC (Raspberry Pi OS Lite)

I am hoping I can get some help with what I would have expected would be a trivial task (isn't that always the way!) I am working on a media player which essentially plays random videos via VLC. I am using a Raspberry Pi 4B running Raspberry Pi OS Lite - command line only. The intention is for the Pi to boot and play a video as quickly as possible. I'm trying to get an image to render over the VLC player, specifically a logo in the corner (like on a tv channel). VLC includes a logo filter which sort of accomplishes this, and I am currently using it, but the size of the logo on screen is tied to the resolution of the video - if I play a 480p video, the logo appears larger than if I play a 720p video. I have videos of varying resolutions, so this isn't ideal. I feel like I've tried everything at this point, but I've gotten nowhere. The closest I have found to what I'm looking for is here: https://youtu.be/W6KhRiMtu4g?si=olSn1mrLAdjBfbeL&t=172 In this video, he does exactly what I'm trying to do, using raspidmx/DispmanX: https://github.com/AndrewFromMelbourne/raspidmx Unfortunately I wasn't able to build out pngview as it relies on deprecated libraries - as discussed in the comments here: https://raspberry-projects.com/pi/programming-in-c/display/dispmanx-api/raspidmx-pngview I guess what I'm hoping for is some kind of workaround to implement the above, or any other ideas to draw an image to the framebuffer and have it render over the VLC instance. This has been driving me completely crazy, and my google-fu has been entirely failing me, so I'm open to any ideas 😄
August 29, 2024, 16:06

How to read from keyboard when no monitor is connected

I need to run a script on boot that reads from a usb keyboard. I have tried pygame, keyboard and some other modules but they all failed. I am trying to make a secure radio messaging pi for fun, but I need to type in the message. I connected a USB keyboard to the pi, but can't get the pi to get input from the keyboard. I have setup the pi to run a python script at boot, and have tested it with LEDs, but I'm unable to get the input from the keyboard. Any form of help is appreciated, pls leave suggestions
August 29, 2024, 13:53

PIR Motion Sensor is not working (script and logs included)

I have a PIR Motion Sensor from the Edukit Camjam 2, and i am experiencing problems, it either doesn't output anything, outputs one signal, outputs another, outputs both, or sometimes doesn't work at all. Does anyone know a fix for that?
August 28, 2024, 14:50

Pico seems to freeze every 1.5ms

Hello, im trying to communicate with ws2812/ws2813 leds and i ran into problem. The pico seems to freeze or at least slow down every 2.7ms for around 30us and its interfering with communication. Im using Arduino IDE to program it.
August 27, 2024, 12:51

Master & slave mode with Pi Zero 2

Hi, is there a way to achieve a Master + Slave mode using the Pi Zero 2? With the USB data port I can connect a hub and have multiple usb devices attached to the Pi host, removing all of that I can use the port and configfs to use the Pi as a HID device. Given the single USB controller on the Pi, I don't think it's possible to use both mode at the same time. So, is there a cable or a hub that can do this type of thing? If it doesn't exist, does a USB switch cable exist? A cable that can toggle between Master and Slave mode?