February 29, 2024, 03:33

Turn Off Journaling

How do I turn off journaling on my Raspberry PI 4 with Raspberry Pi OS?
February 28, 2024, 13:07


im having problem with my sim800L evb and my raspberry pi 4 B idk how to fix it, the led indicator tells that the gsm is receiving a network data but when i run it on minicom AT command i cant type, i am using vnc desktop
February 28, 2024, 04:47

Touch screen calibrication

this is the touch screen that i have. few month ago I rotate the screen 90 degree by using the display_rotate=1 in sudo nano /boot/config.txt and everything work fine. But now suddenly when I using the touch screen is miss alignment. How I can fix ?
February 27, 2024, 21:05

Ph Sensor Using ADS1115 - Raspi Zero W

Hi, i need to connect Ph sensor to raspberry pi zero w, it requires an ADS1115 to convert signals. can i connect Ph sensor's GND to ADS1115 and Raspberry pi with one cable? one cable going out from Ph sensor splits into two cables, one for ADS1115 GND and the other for the raspberry pi GND.
February 27, 2024, 16:57

PiHole Not Resolving

Right, I've got PiHole installed according to the guides and I've got the interfaces configured correctly but only local sites will resolve. My devices report no internet connection if I connect them with PiHole as DNS, though I don't get any PiHole errors. I don't have much experience with networking in Linux so it might be something small.
February 27, 2024, 10:38

Multi OS installer

I have a raspberry pi 5 4gb model. Are there any ways of installing multiple flavors of Linux on one sd card? I know there is with the pi 4, but Iā€™m not sure about the 5?
February 26, 2024, 23:19

Hunting Iron man ( or Batman) helmet

Hi! basically, I want to make Iron man(or Batman. depends mostly on stl's I will find) helmet with built in thermal vision, night vision, and possibly remote activator. I want to use it to play hide and seek in the dark, as well for simply having a cool gadget from movies. Problem is, that I have zero knowlage about Raspberry Pi, coding , and stuff like that. Only similar thingI have done is working animatronic head using Arduino. I really need someone to help me find parts and show me the basics of it.
February 26, 2024, 20:54

[Pico W] Vendor specific host

Hi evryone, I have three hubs interconnected between them and each hub has an stm32 usb device vendor specific and i want to plug the hubs to the usb of the pico W to send the data through wifi. I'm not expert of usb and i don't find example for vendor specific host in the tinyusb library, can you help me and tell me how can i build the solution ? Thanks
February 26, 2024, 14:08

UART log with timestamp.

I manage to solve it! šŸ™‚
February 26, 2024, 02:19

Wiring external hdd to pi with the +5v and ground to power bank, data pins to pi

I want to connect an external hard drive to a Raspberry Pi via USB, but the hdd draws too much power. Thinking of isolating 5v+ and ground from the hdd's USB cable, connecting it to a power bank, and only linking data pins between the Raspberry Pi and the hdd was wondering if there would be any problems. While i'm not sure, apparently i might have to wire the ground for the power bank, hdd and the pi's usb together?
February 26, 2024, 01:55


I want to connect an external hard drive to a Raspberry Pi via USB, but the hdd draws too much power. Thinking of isolating 5v+ and ground from the hdd's USB cable, connecting it to a power bank, and only linking data pins between the Raspberry Pi and the hdd was wondering if there would be any problems. While i'm not sure, apparently i might have to wire the ground for the power bank, hdd and the pi's usb together?
February 25, 2024, 22:59

PI 5 + NVMe hat + M.2 to SATA converter issues

So I'm trying to make a music server, and wanted to use a SATA HDD instead of the current external HDD I was using. For that, I got my hand on a PCIe to NVMe hat, and a M.2 to SATA converter. The M.2 to SATA converter seems at least to be powered, since the leds on it flicker once while booting up, but the SATA disk doesnt seem to be detected. I enabled the PCIe port by having "dtparam=pciex1" in my \boot\config.txt, and don't know what I could be missing to make it work. NVMe hat: https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0CTLX5MW5 M.2 to SATA converter: https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0BVMBDG4B
February 25, 2024, 21:13

raspi zero wh question

so like i want a raspi zero wh to make an led visualizer for a piano, but it requires a microsd card port and a usb port, i have no idea how to assemble these
February 25, 2024, 20:56

huge car stereo

So I'm trying to create an Android auto stereo from this old monitor and pi3b+ from my brother and I was wondering if there's any sorta way I can turn this 15.6" screen into a touch screen and if not where I can buy a bare-bones touch screen (no case, no speakers, just the screen and possibly a basic board
February 25, 2024, 18:49

How to add Image to Image Gallery

I am learning to code HTML in school and we are using the Introduction to web path and in the code editor there is an image gallery, but I donā€™t know how to add my own images to the gallery or use my own images as when I add links to the img src=ā€œlinkā€ it just pops up as a tiny image icon instead of the image thatā€™s linked. If anyone can help me please respond ASAP because I have this due tomorrow.
February 25, 2024, 18:00

[SOLVED] Rpi Zero + Speaker pHat + python = freeze and bugs

Hello ! I'm making a project with the Raspberry Pi Zero and the Pimoroni Speaker pHat. I added a push button and i want the speaker to play a sound randomly in a folder when the button is pressed. I'm doing the logic in python and everything works but I have a weird bug when playing the audio. In the command-line aplay ./redfr/Bonjour.wav works perfectly fine. But in python if I do os.system("aplay ./redfr/Bonjour.wav &") it displays Using device: speaker-phat and freeze for many seconds before playing the sound, and it freezes again for few seconds. (I tried without the & and same). So I tried using playsound('./redfr/Bonjour.wav') but it gives me an error i donĀ“t understand (I'll post it after because it's big) I tried using pygame:
soundfile = pygame.mixer.Sound('./redfr/Bonjour.wav')
This way it takes a very long time for the script to start and then I get this
pygame 2.5.2 (SDL 2.0.14, Python 3.9.2)
Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html
Using device: speaker-phat
and it plays the sound, and if I press the button it plays the sound instantly. great right ? well not really because right after the sound played the program crashed saying Segmentation fault :/ Does anyone has an idea of what's wrong here ?
February 25, 2024, 16:03

YT MP3 Downloader

Does someknow a YT downloader for my raspberry pi i've tried the youtube-dl but that didn't work? my OS Version is Bullseye and it is a Raspberry Pi 4B
February 25, 2024, 15:13

rpi needs 32bit os NOT 64 (fixed)

What im doing wrong prob something stupid
February 25, 2024, 15:12

Help with Raspi pi pico

Hey guys, i need some help with my raspberry pi pico. I just like to started with a project but first iĀ“ve wanted to learn some basic coding skills. But i canĀ“t programm my pico. I can run the internal LED with the blink.uf2 programm and say Hello World so the Tutorial worked. So iĀ“d like to write my own code to make a external LED blinking but in the Thonny programm i canĀ“t find the pico. I donĀ“t know which Interprter to use or which port to use. In the Shell thereĀ“s the Error: CoulndĀ“t find the device automatically. i tried it with my Windows PC and even with my Raspberry pi4. In both ways it wonĀ“t work. It would be great to get help from you and sorry for my englisch iĀ“m not a native speaker
February 25, 2024, 15:10

using picamera2 in RPI4b on 64bit os

what should i input so the camera screen will appear?? i can do it on terminal but i dont know how to do it in thonny
February 25, 2024, 15:09

pihole troubleshooting

Pretty new to this. My brother bought my me a pi-4 b. I'm running it on Ubuntu desktop. I'm setting up a pi-hole (trying at least). I thought I did everything right. The laptop I'm on now passes the pi-hole test but other devices (including the pi) do not. What information do I need to give you guys in order to get some help?
February 24, 2024, 13:53

task schedular does annoying

like my script work my task schedular doersn do shitt
February 24, 2024, 10:42

[SOLVED] Can't import RPi.GPIO nor gpiozero properly without getting error

Hello, I want to do some testing for my upcoming project but for some reason I can't import any of the GPIO libraries without getting errors after running a simple python example code. The first problem was that I couldn't use pip3 or pip without creating and running in a Python venv which isn't a problem but the other problems were confusing and I couldn't find proper solutions. When I use gpiozero/RPi.GPIO without running as root it sends error RuntimeError: No access to /dev/mem. Try running as root! When I use RPi.GPIO doesn't load the functions and I'm not able to use the library. ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'RPi' When I run in the code as root sudo python3 main.py it sends out an error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gpiozero' Code using gpiozero
import gpiozero as GPIO

from time import sleep

red = GPIO.LED(14)

while True:
code using RPi.GPIO
import RPi.GPIO as gpio
import time

gpio.setup(14, gpio.OUT)

while True:
    gpio.output(14, gpio.HIGH)
    gpio.output(14, gpio.LOW)
It might be a rookie mistake since this is the first time using RPi5 GPIO in Linux server OS
February 24, 2024, 03:32

Project to get all the sensors working (i have them all) on a raspberry pi 4b or 5!

First i would like to get the DRT11 working but im having trouble setting up an environment. i have the latest raspberry pi os on a pi 4b and i always get a externally managed message up whever i try to install adafruit DHT11 library.
February 23, 2024, 21:14

Flask and music playing

February 23, 2024, 08:26

Arducam IMX708 Extension Options

Hello, I need to extend my arducams ribbon connecter that goes into raspberry pi 4 but I can't find a longer version of the cable it comes with. What are my options?
February 22, 2024, 21:20

Pi 4 external HDD loading 4k videos really slow on xfs and ext4 (ntfs worked fine)

Hi guys, I have a 4tb external hard drive from Seagate that I use for steaming (jellyfin). Previously the hard drive was in ntfs format which loaded all 4k videos directly with no problems, even fast forwarding there were no problems. Unfortunately I had the problem that copying files via samba took forever 20-30mb/s but now with xfs I get a constant 110mb/s Unfortunately I now have the problem that all the videos I play just take forever to load, strangely the videos all start immediately but as soon as you watch 20-30 seconds further the hard disk just stops reading? and it only continues after 1 minute. i checked the hard disk with iotop and found that nothing happens after fast forwarding, nothing is read, just dead silence. nothing happens with top either, not much cpu usage. Do you have any ideas?
February 22, 2024, 14:37

Zero 2 W as a usb hid

Hello! I'm planning on getting a Zero 2 W and I've found out that u cannot run P4WNP1 on it as it only supports the original Zero W Is it possible of getting a Zero 2 W behaving as a USB keyboard or a mouse?
February 22, 2024, 07:14

is there any RAM HATs for rpi5 or even for cm/board

Working on a project , that requires 16gb of ram but i kno rpi5 only doing like 8gb was wondering if there was like something similar or a hat i can add on to boost its ram
February 21, 2024, 17:49

Rasberry pi aux in

I have build a audio streamer from a raspberry pi zero and a dac, the problem is that the tv can only give out sound trough either hdmi or line out, how could i get one of these signals into my pi ?