February 12, 2024, 19:12

sta+ap Wifi mode and dnsmasq dns + dhcp setup

Hello, for a project, I wanted to be able to connect to a website hosted by my Pi 4, get a ip address via dnsmasq dhcp server and tunnel some domains (like server.lan to while being connect to a host network to communicate to the world wide web. I have found guide for all of these separately, but those didn't work, even separately.
February 12, 2024, 17:13

RPI Zero W using USB ethernet via my PC

Hello, My RPI Zero W I had setup by adding a new line in config.txt and adding the stuff I needed to and also in cmdline.txt and created a file just called ssh, no extensions. I plugged my RPI into my pc via a micro usb cable to connect and I used the data port. My PC shows the ethernet and it connecting but whenever I do ping raspberrypi.local or try ssh to it, it says it doesn't recognise it, I'm using a 64gb micro sd card formatted for FAT32, the green light is showing on the RPI but I'm not sure what to do. Thank you
February 12, 2024, 15:49

Flask server

How do i connect my raspberry device to an app i am programming on android studio using Flutter through Flask?
February 12, 2024, 13:01

Raspberry Pi 4 B can't ping or use ssh after installing raspio_arm64_lite

Hi, I'm very new to raspberry pi. I used PINN and vncshare to install raspio lite. After the os was installed, vnc loses connection. After that I cannot seem to ping the ip address of the Rpi, it isn't on the wifi client list either. I've reformatted the sd card and reinstalled raspio lite twice which haven't worked. I am following this guide https://gitlab.com/public-open-source/spotmicroai/basic-instructions/-/tree/master/1.%20Prepare%20your%20RaspberryPi?ref_type=heads Any help is greatly appreciated!
February 12, 2024, 12:39

[zero-w] Debug constant crashes

Hello everyone, i have come to yall as my last resort. My rapsberrypi zero-w just keeps crashing(?) every few days and i cannot figure out the cause or how to stop it. Ist running a simple discord.py bot that is supervised by the pm2 process manager. Every 1-3 Days it goes offline and refuses to do literally anything. I cannot interact with it via cable or ssh. After having to cut power [:(] to get it back running i tried sifting through journalctl but with no luck. After observing when exactly it went offline, then going back and checking that timestamp there is literally nothing logged at that time. I have tried completely whiping it and reinstalling the OS, didnt help. I have tried the watchdog (though admittely i had no idea what i was doing really). No luck. It is a new bought rapsbverrypi zero-w running pi-OS (not headless). Ive had the issue whether i primarily connect to it via hdmi and keyboard or ssh. Any Ideas how i could go about debugging this will be apppreciated 🙂
February 12, 2024, 10:32

big problem

my raspberry pi starts up (pi4 2gb) starts the bbooting process but after that it dosent show anything. if i try to boot any os (windows, ubuntu,raspbian, or just the network install) the screen is just black. the only os that works in retropie. if i boot retropie it works but nothing else. what should i do?
February 11, 2024, 22:20

Pi 4: Raspbian booting to commandline, instantly logs me out

I've been getting my brand new Raspberry Pi 4 set up, and I installed Raspbian on it. However, after rebooting, it now only boots to the commandline login instead of the desktop login... and when I type in my username and password, it seems to log-in, but then instantly boots me back to the same commandline. How can I go about troubleshooting this?
February 11, 2024, 22:16

Raspberry Pi 5 and MLX90640 Adafruit sensor connection with SSH at the moment but should change

Hi, I have successfully connected my sensor and Pi using SSH. I set up the Raspberry Pi OS on my SD card and ran the code in VS and it works. My next steps are to connect my sensor and display an image for real time monitoring and data acquisition using LabVIEW for the GUI. I don't want to rely on using Wi-fi for my project and my Pi might loose connection with the internet so what are my other options to connect my Pi because that will determine how I design my GUI in LabVIEW? I am new to Pi so I am struggling a bit. People said you can use external mouse and keyboard to access the Pi GUI but what if I just want the Pi connected to run the code saved in it and have my own GUI but not suing wifi? Is the mouse and keyboard the only way of connection?
February 11, 2024, 19:54

Unable to find Powershell

So i have this ssh connection set up with the raspberry pi And i wanted to make a gui (winForms) via vs code to display on the raspberry screen i have (PiTFT 480x320 3.5 inch TFT + Touchscreen voor Raspberry Pi Adafruit) i have installed several extensions from Powershell (picture 1) but if i try to open the form designer in vs code it gives me this error (picture 2) i dont know what im doing wrong here or if im missing something

February 11, 2024, 12:44

Raspberry Pi 4 and OpenMediaVault

Hello, I am currently in the process of setting up a NAS system with OpenMediaVault on my Raspberry Pi 4B. When I execute the install script from OpenMediaVault, everything works fine. At the end, it says that everything has been successfully created, and then the script restarts my Raspberry Pi:
Succeeded: 13 (changed=8)
Failed:     0
Total states run:     13
Total run time:    3.513 s
[2024-02-11 13:35:19+0100] [omvinstall] Network setup.  Rebooting...
I get kicked out of my SSH session. However, I cannot reconnect afterward. On my router, I can see that the Raspberry Pi is connected to the Wi-Fi network. However, I cannot access the OpenMediaVault page, and I cannot connect via SSH. When I ping the Pi (using the Ping command in the Windows cmd):
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss)
Operating System data (cat /etc/os-release):
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"
February 10, 2024, 23:38

Is it Possible to trigger gaming pcs power button when raspberry pi loses and gains power?

I am building an arcade cabinet and I was wondering if I could have a raspberry pi hooked up to a power source that has a wireless outlet to remotely turn it off and on and make it power off and power on my pc when power is applied to it Kind of a specific issue but i don’t really know where to start Was thinking something like a Zero W so maybe I can wirelessly turn it off too
February 10, 2024, 14:36

SSH not connecting on rPi5

I have a problem where i cant connect to my rPi via ssh. I use the Raspberry Pi 5 with its official software (Pi OS 64-bit) and im unable to connect to the Pi via SSH because it doesn't accept my password/ it says permission denied. Im using Linux Mint Cinnamon on my PC and i tried it on windows but with the same results. Thanks for Ideas to help with my Problem
February 10, 2024, 13:58

Need help with transforming raspberry pi to mqqt broker

so i am following this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DO2wHI6JWQ&t=465s but as per the video at time 10:10 the guy check if the influx db is getting any data but in my case nothing is showing up ?
February 10, 2024, 13:45


February 10, 2024, 13:20

Powering Pi 4B from DC-DC buck converter

I'm powering Pi 4B forom DC-DC (12V-5V) buck converter thruout GIPO pins. Requiement 3A is fulfild. But Pi starts once in 5-10 times. When Pi won't start, green LED binking in repeat one long - two short. What this blinking pattern means? Any advice how to solve it? Thanks in advance!
February 10, 2024, 11:59

I Want to create a Music player from voice command , help

So basically we are told to create any project using raspberry pi in our college. I have great project idea that is we'll be creating a music player from voice command. I have created discord music bots using node.js so I'll be using the same method in this project as well with google transcript packages for catching the command from microphone. Whenever the user says play song_name the code will execute and fetch the music from youtube ( using ytdl ans ytsr packages in nodejs ) and it'll then send gpio signals which will result into playing the song from the speaker. We are getting Rpi 3 B+ from college will that work ? Basically , this is my first time creating any project in raspberry pi am i doing any mistake till now ? Also i want to create a online model of this project where can i do the same ? Additionally this project is not available on youtube or any other platform ( as of my knowledge ) can someone list the components that I'll be needing i tried chat gpt but indeed its ai and folks here a well experienced. Any guidance apart from these is welcomed
February 9, 2024, 11:56

OMV Issues

I am using the 32bit lite raspios
February 9, 2024, 04:29

Raspberry Pi 3 model b+

Hey. i was wondering if you guys can help me install android 9 on a raspberry pi 3 b+ when i get one? please and thanks.
February 9, 2024, 01:52

Rasberry pi pico W lesson 7

as i did fellow this guy on youtube... everything i did but three of my green,yellow,red aren't turn on at all I am gonna other post of YouTube by guy that I fellow. Go to look my other post of in this.

February 8, 2024, 15:36

Can't read analogue sensor data

Hi, I'm trying to read data from the Sparkfun sound detector over SPI but for some reason it only works when I try to read the digital output (whether sound is detected or not), rather than the analogue outputs (amplitude and audio). I'm reading it through a MCP3008 by sending 0x80 (channel 0). It returns a value when it's plugged into the GATE pin and I'm making noise, but I just get 0x00 back when I plug it into the other 2 pins. Any ideas on why? I thought the MCP was meant to convert analogue to digital so the Pi can read it. Sound detector: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12642 MCP3008 datasheet: https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/MCP3008.pdf
February 8, 2024, 08:36

Raspberry pi setup

Hi, so i want to install raspberry pi os in my sd card but i got this error instead. Does anyone know how to fix it. Thanks!
February 8, 2024, 04:13

Connecting raspberry pi 4b to laptop using HDMI

is it possible to code in my laptop by connecting the rbp4 via hdmi?
February 7, 2024, 19:00

Bluetooth as audio input "microphone"

Hello, i was wondering if it would be possible to use my raspberry pi as a bluetooth host, which i can connect to via my phone or pc and then on my raspberry pi the bluetooth audio is being recorded inside a python script using pyaudio. For this the part where i struggle is how i can setup my raspberry pi to serve as a bluetooth host and use the incomming audio signal as a microphone source.
February 7, 2024, 11:46

Webserver using nginx

I am trying to host a webserver/apion domain i bought through name.com, i honestly don't know much about this and nether did i find much about it online. The website/api im trying to host is just a simple python Flask api. What i have done so far is setup nginx to make a proxy (?) that takes traffic from port 25565 -> 88 (not using port 80 since that did not work). I have not really done much more, i can now open up the site on my PC but only 404 errors show up. OS: Linux raspberrypi 6.1.0-rpi7-rpi-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 1:6.1.63-1+rpt1 (2023-11-24) aarch64 GNU/Linux nginx config:
server {
        listen 88 default_server;
        listen [::]:88 default_server;

        root /var/www/html;

        server_name my ip;

        location / {
                proxy_pass http://localhost:25565;
                proxy_set_header Host $host;
                proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
                proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
                proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

                try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
February 7, 2024, 11:37

Setting up RBP camera module V2 8mp

Ive been connectin and disconnecting the camera and the option is not appearing on the interface config. Im running on raspberry pi 64 bit os

February 7, 2024, 11:21

Need recommendations for a 4-4.5 inch square TFT for Pi Zero project

Hi I want to build a replica of the PKE Meter from the Ghostbusters cartoon and the form factor would require a 4-4.5 inch square TFT panel for a Pi Zero, with as little PCB overhangs beyond the screen dimensions as possible. As you can see, I'll have to be frugal with the available space inside the casing. Any ideas? Thanks in advance! Example pictures: https://ghostbusters.fandom.com/wiki/P.K.E._Meter/Animated#Gallery
February 7, 2024, 10:19

PAL-M or NTSC-J on Raspberry Pi-5

Hey Guys, I've got an issue. For some reason I can't set my Raspberry Pi-5 to ntsc-j, pal-N, Pal-M etc. Only Ntsc & Pal. I have the latest version of libreelec and have tried this with other os such as raspian. Nothing. I have set
with and without
and have set cmdline to either
as mentioned here: https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=364251 but nothing! Only basic us ntsc of British pal. Can anyone here help me with this? What do I need to do to set this to ntsc-j, pal-m or pal-N for the Raspberry Pi-5?
February 7, 2024, 09:35

Random video player

I have a raspberry pi 2B and I was wondering how to go about making it so that when powered on it plays a random video off of a USB before powering off again?
February 7, 2024, 04:09

PiHole Problems.

Hello there. First time installing/using PiHole and i cant seem it get it to work. i Got it all installed and im in the GUI but im lost from here. not sure how to tell the devices to use the pis DNS. or even better if i could the router. any help would be awsome
February 5, 2024, 19:54

Raspberry pi 0 won't show up

Hello. I was trying to do a headless OTG set up for my Raspberry pi 0 the issue is that in my Windows machine i cannot Ping it nor SSH it, i tried with raspberrypi.local and pi@raspberrypi.local. Help!! (i followed the steps in several tutorials)