June 1, 2024, 06:42

Choosing a portable power solution for Raspberry Pi 5

Hello people, I was looking for a power supply for my raspberry pi 5. And I have two options I can either get a 5800mAh wifi router UPS with replaceable batteries (plus a step down buck to convert from 12V 2.5A to 5V 6A) or I can get a 10-20k mAh mobile phone power bank with 22.5w PD charging at around the same price. What do you recommend? As of now I just want to run an OS and build games for Linux, have no plans to connect power hungry peripherals yet, because I know very little and am only getting started but that might change in near future I understand power banks may not supply a stable current and I should ideally use a UPS, the UPS is also giving me an opportunity to use the pi at full potential. On the other hand I would have to buy a different adaptor for the UPS, make some modifications (to convert the voltage) whereas power banks are more plug and play and I can easily also use them with my phone
May 31, 2024, 20:54

arducam doesnt work with raspberrypi5

Hello I have tried following the instructions on the website to setup my arducam but unfortunately whenever I type libcamera-hello it says that it can not find a camera any help would be appreciated
May 31, 2024, 12:21

ā€œCannot determine SOC Peripheral base addressā€

Iā€™ve been following this video that introduces me to the GPIO pins and when I tried to run ā€œGPIO.setupā€, this error shown in the picture popped up. The video guide doesnā€™t have this error, and I tried trouble shooting myself; updating stuff. It didnā€™t work. I am using a Raspberry Pi 5, 8GB RAM, RPi OS 64-Bit. Please ping me if you can help me with this. Thank you. (No, the circuit is working fine, I already tested it by connecting the positive wire to a power GPIO pin. (Skip to 31:14 for the coding part) Video:
class='img rounded m-1' src='/assets/assets/1246075968729387159.webp'>
May 31, 2024, 02:02

Very bizarre boot issue - Raspberry Pi 3B v1.2 vs 3B+ v1 2

I've got an issue here I can't quite seem to get to the bottom of, I've been working on it for weeks. Here's what I'm working with: 5v 2.5a power supply, high quality. No undervoltage warnings in dmesg UPS Desktop variable voltage power supply (taken from a workstation) 8GB quality microSD card - passes checks | boots from other device 16 GB quality microSD card - passes checks | boots from other device 128 GB quality microSD card - passes checks | boots from other device All installations described below are using the official R-Pi Imager software (Windows) with latest updates Also tried flashing cards via Ubuntu All cards are being formatted using the official SD card association formatter for Windows (as described in the Boot issue sticky on the R-Pi forums) That said, I have an R-Pi 3B v1.2, and an R-Pi 3B+ v1 2 (no dot on the PCB silkscreen, assuming it is also a v1.2) The 3B is able to run everything I put on it. Raspberry OS, OctoPrint, Home Assistant, etc. The 3B+ will not boot from the stock Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit flashed onto the card via the official imager - just the seven green LED blinks (failure to locate boot kernel) The only thing the 3B+ will boot from is Octopi (the last version from the official R-Pi imager). I've tried everything in the boot-issue sticky (on the official site, on the reddit forums), reformatted card many times, also tried to manually replace the "boot8.img" kernel from the Github. The thing will only run Octoprint , and it works great - keyboard, monitor, webcam, ethernet, wifi - any idea what gives? Could this still be a hardware thing? I'm totally out of ideas! Since it's a 3B+ there's no EEPROM testing image to boot from, are there any other lightweight OS's that I can use to troubleshoot? Perhaps boot to Octoprint and then install some diagnostic utilities from there? I'll try anything! Thanks so much in advance šŸ™
May 30, 2024, 16:50

WiringPi interrupt firing frequently on raspberry pi 5

I have a RX receiver with the DATA pin connected to the pin GPIO 27 on my Raspberry pi 5. I am enabling a callback for my RF device like this:
pinMode(27, INPUT);
if(wiringPiISR(27, INT_EDGE_BOTH, &rx_callback) < 0){
    return false;

printf("RX Enabled\n");
return true;
I have a simple callback function for my RX device:
void rx_callback(void) {
    struct timespec ts;
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
    int64_t timestamp = ts.tv_sec * 1000000LL + ts.tv_nsec / 1000LL;
    int64_t duration = timestamp - last_timestamp;
    printf("Duration: %ld\n", duration);
    last_timestamp = timestamp;
This callback gets called ~10 000 times each second when I am not even using any RF device. If I only use the falling edge, it rarely gets called except when I actually send RF signals with my RF controller. Yet when I set my callback to fire on INT_EDGE_RISING or INT_EDGE_BOTH, it gets called as frequently as possible. Why is this?
May 30, 2024, 13:15

Outputting audio to a Breadboard

Hi, I'm completely new to using Raspberry Pis. I'm using a Raspberry Pi5 to take in an audio input, process it, and then output it. I think i've figured out how to input the audio, but I need to output the audio through a breadboard, and was not sure how to do that. I've read online that I might need a DAC, but I was not sure how to connect it through the pins and whatnot. Any help is appreciated, thank you :)
May 30, 2024, 09:32

led matrix

Hello, I want to build a little led matrix 6x8 but I donā€™t know what kind of pcb I have to use

May 29, 2024, 19:59

How start a program on boot with a pygame interface ?

Hey šŸ™‚ I want to start a program when the Raspberry boot. I add this lines in the .bashrc file :
cd /home/pi/Documents
the program start when the RPI boot but without his pygame interface. When i launch a terminal, the porgram start WITH his pygame interface. (And of course, if i execute the program manually everything is ok) Thanks for helping me !
May 29, 2024, 14:41

Pi 3b+ system error? kekw

Im using a rasberry imager and 32-bit version after the whole process, I insert the SD card (not original, not included in the set) and fire up Raspberry, and.... check the video
May 28, 2024, 21:38

TBC Wow Private Server Pi4 8GB

Hello. I am trying to get Raspywow, from GitHub, to run on my Pi4 8GB. I am very new to all things this. Using ChatGPT, I was able to get the files and compile them. make was the last command I used, then chat requested me to edit 2 server conf files that were not in the repository. This is where I hit a wall. Anyone know how to get this going so my friends won't need my tower to be on to play our server? Separately, could someone explain why posting almost identical question into Raspberry Pie discord server help section had me permanently banned with no explanation?
May 28, 2024, 18:52

Raspberrypi5 turns on but does not give any HDMI output

Hello, I was trying to setup the ardu cam with my raspberrypi 5 and made some changes to the config.txt everything worked fine but later the i get no output to my screen, I changed the config.txt back to what it was but it still doesnā€™t work.
May 28, 2024, 18:19

weather station

Hi guys, i wanted actually to build a weather station, and i have the codes already working on each sensor alone, the problem is that i wanna compine these sensors but i cant, is it possible to just run every python file alone and i still get the output of the sensors in one place?
May 28, 2024, 10:03

PiHole works through Wifi but not through Ethernet

Hello, I wanted to run pi hole in directly on the clients. It hast just worked by making changes in the etc/network/interfaces file namely i put the ipv6, which comes out on ip a inet6 for eth0 in there. And i added ipv6 on the interface/settings/dns. On my PC, that runs on lan and on my laptop that runs on wifi, i changed the IPv4 DNS to the address of my pi Hole. And i changed the IPv6 DNS to that IPv6 I added to the interfaces file but left out the last part of it. The Laptop runs pi hole well. The PC does not. and when I put the lan cable to my laptop it also does not work. So pi hole runs on wifi but not on lan (im a complete newbie)
May 28, 2024, 00:09

Trying to make tiny computer with RP5

Hi folks, was wondering what a good screen and keyboard i could use if i wanted to make a really small laptop
May 28, 2024, 00:02

Ping RasPi through Windows PowerShell

Hello I'm working through an introductory tutorial to RasPi and I'm unable to complete the remote access step as described here: I have enabled the SSH radio button on the RasPi and I believe it's host name is "raspberrypi" but when I run the "ping -4 raspberrypi.local" command in PowerShell I receive this message: "Ping request could not find host raspberrypi.local. Please check the name and try again." Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
May 27, 2024, 19:00

Raspberry Pi 4B constantly freezing on boot up of new system

Hi all, I've read a lot about raspberry pi troubleshooting and tried both replacing the power cord and the flashed SD to solve the proble with no luck. Each time, I write my username and passcode and without fail it either freezes when installing updates, or freezes after trying to open firefox for the first time. Only thing on the SD card is the flashed operating system, brand new SD card. Anyone have any tips?
May 27, 2024, 05:14

Need Help (Pi Zero 2 W)

Hi there, first time using a raspberry pi, I have the zero 2. I connected my ps4 controller and get regular charging light but it says there are no gamepads detected. It only takes micro usb so I canā€™t even connect my keyboard so Iā€™m confused on how Iā€™m supposed to navigate the menu?

May 26, 2024, 20:28

Using Raspberry Pi to Read and Emulate RFID Cards: Need Help with Modules and Setup

Hello, I just started a project to replicate what a Flipper Zero can do using a Raspberry Pi. It will allow me to: first, read the ID and other data on RFID cards with a Python program, then emulate the card with a tag or similar device. I have a few modules to make it work: a Raspberry Pi 5, a PiicoDev RFID module, an adapter for the Raspberry Pi, cables to connect everything, and RFID tags. And my question is: Do you see any issues with the previous configuration, and which module or tag would allow me to emulate RFID frequencies? Thank u for reading and helping
May 26, 2024, 09:49

[āœ…] Raspberry Pi 4B Wifi and SSH configuration with Imager Not Working, sth to do with dynamic IP?

I used the Raspberry Pi Imager OS customisation to configure wireless LAN and enable SSH with the SD card; it worked yesterday but it doesn't anymore for some reason. Problem: I logged into my wifi router and checked that Pi is not connected. Pinging pi from terminal returns request timeout. Hypothesis: IP address returned when I successfully pinged pi yesterday is different from the one I'm getting today. Yesterday's IP (blacked out in last picture) looked like 000.000.000.XXX where the 0 part is the same as my router address (192.168.~) and X is different. The IP address I'm getting right now (first picture) is different for all 12 digits. I assume this might have to do with static vs dynamic IP address, but I need help resolving this. The red and green lights do come on properly (red always on, green flicker for 20-30 seconds then off). I would appreciate any input! Thank you.

May 25, 2024, 08:26


Hello! I am doing a small school project, but I encounter an issue... I do not understand how am I supposed to flash my school given, raspberry PI pico board. I have connected it with USB to my computer and I can see it in my file manager (1 st and 2 nd picture). In my assignment, I am supposed to code this using rust. I copied a code template that is supposed to just blink the on board LED. However, I tried a bunch of thins, and, I cannot flash this drive. When I run cargo run --release, I get the "No connected probes were found". However lsusb shows that I have (3rd picture). I tried with rules
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2e8a", ATTR{idProduct}=="0003", MODE="0666"
I am part of the following groups: plugdev uucp audio wheel I tried restarting, changing cables. I just don't know what to do anymore I should specify that I am running on linux. Does anyone have a solution?

May 24, 2024, 23:29

SSH Password Not working pi 4

I need help im trying to install raspberry pi x64 image in my raspberry pi4 and its not working please help ASAP
May 24, 2024, 19:45

[āœ…] Using a DMA -> PIO pipeline to write to GPIO pins one byte at a time (for a function generator)

I'd like to setup DMA in a way that it writes bytes to GPIO pins 0-7. AFAIK you'd write a little PIO program for that which would actually write out the bytes the DMA transferred. Once the DMA write finishes with the data, I'd immediately like to retrigger it to keep feeding the same sequence of bytes over and over again. AFAIK I can just chain another DMA channel that then gets chained back to the first one. This is the code I came up with, which - unsurprisingly - does not work. I'm good with C++, but the Pico hardware (and low-level microcontroller programming) is relatively new for me. The end goal is a function generator, if context helps. Any help/pointers in the right dir is appreciated
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include "hardware/dma.h"
#include "hardware/pio.h"

void setup_pio(PIO pio, uint sm) {
    auto program = pio_program_t {
        .instructions = pio_program,
        .length = sizeof(pio_program),
        .origin = -1,  
    auto offset = pio_add_program(pio, &program);
    pio_sm_config c = pio_get_default_sm_config();
    sm_config_set_out_pins(&c, 0, 8);
    pio_sm_init(pio, sm, offset, &c);
    pio_sm_set_enabled(pio, sm, true);

void setup_dma(PIO pio, int dmaChan0, int dmaChan1, std::vector<std::uint8_t> const& data) {
    // Channel 0, which outputs to the PIO, which in turn outputs to the pins
    dma_channel_config c = dma_channel_get_default_config(dmaChan0);
    channel_config_set_transfer_data_size(&c, DMA_SIZE_8);
    channel_config_set_read_increment(&c, true);
    channel_config_set_write_increment(&c, false);
    // Chain to channel 1 when done
    channel_config_set_chain_to(&c, dmaChan1);
    dma_channel_configure(dmaChan0, &c, &pio->txf[0],, data.size(), false);
    // Channel 1 just retriggers channel 0
    c = dma_channel_get_default_config(dmaChan1);
    channel_config_set_chain_to(&c, dmaChan0);
    dma_channel_configure(dmaChan1, &c, nullptr, &pio->txf[0], 1, false);

// Usage
int main() {
    auto dataPoints = std::vector<std::uint8_t> { / ... / };

    auto chan0 = dma_claim_unused_channel(true);
    auto chan1 = dma_claim_unused_channel(true);

    auto pio = pio0;
    uint sm = pio_claim_unused_sm(pio, true);
    setup_pio(pio, true);
    setup_dma(pio, chan0, chan1, dataPoints);
May 24, 2024, 16:27

[āœ…] [Raspberry Pi Connect] remote software - copy / paste - Workaround

I'm using the new (beta) Raspberry Pi Connect software and it's working absolutely perfect. For a beta program I'm really impressed at its stability and easy of use. The copy/paste functionality is a bit awkward, and some of my employees that are using is are complaining that they have to click the PASTE button in the upper right instead of using normal keyboard shortcuts. Has anyone figured out a workaround so that you can copy (Control C) from your local computer and the paste (Control V) into the Raspberry Pi?
May 24, 2024, 14:17

Need help at using Pi Hole

Hello, Iam a complete newbie but decided to use Pi Hole on my clients. Currently it works on my Raspberry Pi 5 just fine, but I cant activate it on my Windows Laptop. Could you help me? I would like it, if we could do a small live chat through discord.
May 24, 2024, 01:21

RTL-SDR and the raspberry pi 5

currently, i am using the rpi 64 bit (debian bookworm) for the raspberry pi 5. i can get connected to the internet, terminal, general computer stuff. i start trying to install any sdr software period and it gives me all sorts of issues from telling me to install cython etc. im just gonna start completely fresh from the image (format and wipe), can anyone make suggestions on how i actually set up the software on the rpi 5? i suck at coding, i appreciate any help!
May 23, 2024, 06:40

I want to make a robot with more than 32 servos

Iā€™m making a very complex robot with more than 32 servos and motors. I never used a raspberry pi. Iā€™m considering getting one for my project. I want to know if itā€™s possible and how to do it.
May 23, 2024, 05:00

bash: /usr/local/bin/ollama: cannot execute: required file not found

bash: /usr/local/bin/ollama: cannot execute: required file not found Hi, I'm trying to download ollama onto my RPi 5 (8GB), but after I ran the following command: "curl -fsSL | sh" and the terminal says ollama was successfully installed, when I tried to run "ollama --version", it sends the message in the title above. I am following this guide: Please ping me if you can help me, thank you! ā€”-UPDATEā€”- kaywayfarer@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo systemctl restart ollama kaywayfarer@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo systemctl status ollama ā— ollama.service - Ollama Service Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ollama.service; enabled; preset: enabl> Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2024-05-23> Process: 3019 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ollama serve (code=exited, status=20> Main PID: 3019 (code=exited, status=203/EXEC) CPU: 743us I think the text in bold is the issue. It should say "running" I tried rebooting my RPi 5 and using the command "sudo systemctl stop ollama" and then start Still doesn't work I have searched the internet for this, but I have found no solution to this.
May 22, 2024, 15:51

[SOLVED] Ras pi 4b no camera option in configs

so i bought a new pi 4b 4gb and installed raspian 64 bit and have added a firewall and updated everything but in sudo raspi-config interface options there is no camera option nor in prefrances and i keep getting hat not detected
May 22, 2024, 13:16

wake on internet assistance

Can anyone tell me what additional hardware do I need to make this work other than the raspberry?
May 22, 2024, 03:18

Snake with joystick (root error help)

Hello, I'm an engineering student and I'm currently trying to do a project which involves making an arcade machine with Raspberry. So, I tried to code a game called Snake which could be played using a joystick connected to a GPIO port. However, I have an error that systematically occurs which is the root error. I tried several solutions which were given on the Internet but none worked so I would like to know the solutions which could be possible. So if you have either an example that works or a solution to my problem with my files, I would be delighted. Thanking you in advance for your attention to my message.