December 9, 2023, 18:18

RFID Module with 20 to 30 cm range

Hey guys and girls, I am working on my first real PI project. I already contributed in a robot project with ROS, but now I wanna do something from scratch. To break it down I need a mechanism to scan a RFID chip from a cats collar and open a lock on a successful scan. So much for the context now the problem. Since I am not an engineer and only do software development with very little interaction on the physical level with such technology I don't know how to find the right modules to fulfil my requirements. I bought a cheep NFC module PN532 in hope to make a first sample and implement the logic and test around. Since the range of this module is around 5 cm if you are lucky I would need something with a higher range, since this is meant to allow access to a cat it should probably be somewhere between 20 - 30 cm. I don't know what prices to expect, but let's try to stay "cheep".
December 9, 2023, 18:17

Automatic start of a Minecraft server

Hello, I have created a Minecraft server on my Raspberry Pi. Now I want the Minecraft server to start automatically after starting the Raspberry Pi. How can I do it?
December 9, 2023, 18:16

HELP cant connect wifi to my pi zero wh

im trying to install kali linux but headless but i cant connect to my wifi and idk how i can fix that any help?
December 9, 2023, 18:18

solid green and red light pi 4 4Gb not posting

Got some raspberry pi 4’s to start a pi cluster but I am getting no desktop environment or the pi booting any ideas on how to fix it?
December 9, 2023, 18:15

audio hat & display on gpio simultaneously

Trying to connect an audio hat & lcd touchdisplay to gpio pins and i'm getting issues. - The display: https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/3.5inch_DPI_LCD - The audio hat: https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/WM8960_Audio_HAT When i connect one or the other they work fine, however when both drivers are installed, and both devices are connected i get no display. I still get display throught microhdmi port just not to the display powered off the gpio pins. The audio hat connects to the pins on pi, and the display sits on pins that are on top of the audio hat. Looking like i might have to get a different display, but maybe not if you guys can help.
December 26, 2023, 22:28

where can i find the range of what my static ip can be

kinda confused, some ppl put in anything, some others say it has to be within a range? thank you for answers
December 9, 2023, 18:14

rpi zero and 2.8 screen

Any drivers for that? When i connect that to pi zero the screen is white

December 9, 2023, 18:19

Welcome to... then Black Screen. RP4, status lights okay, config changes to no avail

Hi all. I'm trying to set up a RP4 but no matter what I do I can't get it to finish booting. My red status light is solid red and I've tried two different power supplies so I'm convinced it's not the PS. The green LED also flashes randomly, no pattern visible, so unless it's 1/2 flashes which I can't tell, I think the green LED is fine. After the welcome screen, the screen will go black and eventually the green light starts to die down (flashing very little to possibly even stopping). In addition my monitor makes noises which make it seem like somethings trying to connect, but nothing happens. I've googled quite a bit since I've encountered it yesterday, and found several things I could try in config.txt between hdmi_safe, the hotplug, and hdmi mode (which I made sure to turn on separately from hdmi_safe to prevent other settings overriding). None of these worked, however I'm willing to try them again if anyone has any suggestions
December 9, 2023, 18:24

Raspberry Pi Smart Home

Let me ask you a question about this Node Red. I have to install it on the server. But now I have a temperature sensor and it is not connected to the server Pi 4 but to a pi zero. Do I have to install the Node Red also on the Zero?
December 9, 2023, 18:15

Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Rover/Drone Project NEED HELP!!!

yeah it's fine
December 9, 2023, 18:25

Raspi 3B V1.2 as bootloader installer for nrf52840

Good day; i want to use my raspi to install a bootloader on a board with a holyiot 18010 nrf52840 as the controller however im completely inept when it comes to programming, so i dont know what i have to do ive been sent this github link by someone, they dont have the time to walk me through that however, and i dont know what to even do as i have no prior experience with programming a raspi or anything https://github.com/joric/nrfmicro/wiki/Bootloader#flashing-the-nrf52s-bootloader-using-raspberry-pis-gpio-and-openocd i havent used the raspi before for anything, so its just as out of the box as it gets if someone would be willing to walk me through this thatd be nice also, feel free to ping me so i can answer quickly^^
December 9, 2023, 18:11

Samsung 45w 5A Charger with Pi5b?

As the title says, is it possible?
December 9, 2023, 18:11

LCD Code issue Arduino mega (ELEGOO?)

can you post the code and not just take a picture please?
December 9, 2023, 18:12

Turning off/on gpio screen

Hello, i have question how to control and schedule when gpio screen to go off and to go on. I am using Raspberry pi 2b and 3.5 inch gpio screen from aliexpress. I want to do this because to expand screens lifetime.
December 9, 2023, 18:07

Inky Frame with C++

Hi! I've recently received by Inky Frame 7.3 with a raspberry pi pico! Unfortunately, I have no experience with either Inky Frame or Raspberry Pi (any)! I want to program it in C++ I'm interested in having individual pixel control, ability to assign images to certain parts of the screen, and writing text with (hopefully custom) fonts! How could I start?
December 9, 2023, 18:08

hi, I tried to install opencv from cloning in github, but this appeared out of that

December 9, 2023, 18:07

portable pestering computer

What pi do I need for kali Linux and all of its tools? I wanna make a portable pen testing computet Storage depends on how big the sd card is right?
December 9, 2023, 18:10

pi camera 3 help

and got
December 9, 2023, 18:24

Gaming RPi Project!

Like the heat goes up, and where to arrange everything for the most efficient cooling, and the amount of thermal paste (you don't need a lot, just 1 dot and you're good)
December 9, 2023, 18:09

Looking for a todo list/calendar eink display; Is Inky Frame 7.3 inch with pico w onboard for me?

I've been looking into this board: Inky Frame 7.3 With Pico w aboard! Background: I'd like to make a todo list/calendar that I can look at at any time on my wall and have it updated through my pc! I am happy with making GUI applications using Qt Creator in C++, or really anything in C++! Would sending jpegs/bitmaps to Inky be viable over the network? Details: I hate using Python but could suffer through it if C++ is inferior for some reason for this project! Is this display + board combo for me? Would you suggest another? Thank you!!
December 9, 2023, 18:09

Rasperry pi picoboot for Gamecube

I have a modded gamecube motherboard and was wondering if i could trasnfer this raspberry pi pico chip, im completely new to soldering and jsut bought a kit, any tips?
December 9, 2023, 18:04

Keyboard layout Rasberry pi Pico

I have a swedish keyboard on my computer so some symbols are different. I dont know how to change it, i tried to Google it but nothing worked for me. On the picture you can see that these : and / are turned into Ö and --
December 9, 2023, 18:03

When ever I run a python script my vnc connection disconnects?

This is my script
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)  # BCM numbering
pin = 37
GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT)

GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.HIGH)
print(f"Enabled GPIO {pin}")
GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.LOW)
print(f"Disabled GPIO {pin}")

I'm using vnc viewer, it's literally a fresh install...
December 9, 2023, 18:03

Is my raspberry Pi 3b+ dead?

Is my raspberry pi3b+ dead? I'm using my Pi to make a mars rover using an l298n motor driver. The l298n has a separate usb power source, and the pi has a different one. While connecting the ground of the l298n to the Pi's ground, I think I connected it to the wrong pin (not entirely sure). The lights dimmed, and i pulled out the jumper wire almost immediately. I was pinging the pi from my PC, and it started showing the no route to host stuff. An SSH connection was on, it got disconnected. I decided to reboot my Pi by directly removing the cable (I had no other choice). And then, this happened. I was powering the l298n and the pi with USB cables coming out of my PC. My pi just shows the red PWR light when a power is connected, and the green ACT light does not turn on at all. There is no damage to the SD Card reader, and I tried booting from a USB with no luck. Nothing gets hot, nothing is displayed on the HDMI, as if the pi is dead. Is it really dead? If not, what can I do to fix it? I really need it fixed fast.
December 9, 2023, 18:02

controlling a sphero mini

please tell me someone can tell me how to control my sphero mini using my pi 4b in python. i just need yk forward backward and sideways movement
December 9, 2023, 18:01


hi. i'm thinking about building a PiGRRL, but i have a couple of questions about the components, -Screen 2.8" PiTFT Plus, can i use a different screen? i dont want a touch screen and 35$ is a bit too much, any advice? -charger PowerBoost 1000 Charger -> is there a cheaper board that can do the same? can i use these? https://www.amazon.it/AZDelivery-%E2%AD%90%E2%AD%90%E2%AD%90%E2%AD%90%E2%AD%90-TP4056-regolatore-carica/dp/B07D2G345P/ref=sr_1_8?__mk_it_IT=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=1NXV1XAO0RPEC&keywords=PowerBoost%2B1000%2BCharger&qid=1693485926&sprefix=powerboost%2B1000%2Bcharger%2Caps%2C155&sr=8-8&th=1 -2500mAh battery, the adviced one is only 4.2 volts at peek, im not sure it can power the pi quite well, what do you suggest? i would be able to redesign the printed parts to fit the new components in case
December 9, 2023, 18:02

Shorted pins

Hello i was busy with my raspbarry pi a wheile ago and i think i shorted some pins, and it tuned off. did not manage to turn it on again after that. does someone know a fix?
December 9, 2023, 18:01

got a Libre computer board, an GALL-h3-CC and this little 2 inch led stv7789v but can't connectem

I've scoured the internet in order to plug these two together, l've referred to the pin out diagrams of both these things, and I know that libre and raspberry pie are not one and the same but I'm praying someone here knows more than me. This cute little emulator set up was a gift from my best friend so I'm kinda outta my element here<:sadblob:1021204158587600916>
December 9, 2023, 18:00

Raspberry pi digital check control car

Hi all, wanted to start a small project for my car. My question is how can I connect the 2.2 inch Tft display to my Raspberry Pi, is there an extra adapter?

December 9, 2023, 18:00

raspberry pi zero keyboard and mouse not working

i recently bought a raspberry pi zero and my keyboard nor mouse works with it, making it useless until i figure out why. I tested all of these products and they all work fine but there is simply no input to the raspberry pi zero. great if you can help if not i understand