December 9, 2023, 19:05

raspberry pi program autostart

I want to run two scripts in the autostart file for the raspberry pi. .config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart. I want to run two scripts here such as shown below
@lxpanel --profile LXDE-pi
@pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE-pi
@xscreensaver -no-splash
@sh ~/etc/
@sh ~/etc/
The scripts themselves have been tested and run, but they don't run on autostart. Does anyone know where I could be going wrong, or another method of doing this?
December 9, 2023, 16:18

Remote Screen Access with Pi zero

Hello! I am looking to create a project that acts as like a message box. Whereas I open a box and a screen is inside displaying what I have put onto it wirelessly from say across the world. Could someone please guide me to what else I may need as im not sure what I really need! I believe these are the main components I will need : Raspberry Pi Zero W ----------------------------------- LED that blinks when a new message is sent to the screen and stops blinking once the box is opened (detecting motion) PIR Motion Sensor Module Diffused 3mm LED Pack - 5 LEDs each in 5 Colors - 25 Pack Mini Breadboard - White ----------------------------------- I have basic coding skills in HTML and Python and technical skills but nothing with Pis and the sort. Many thanks, Ryan.
December 9, 2023, 19:04

LOLIN C3 pico RGB_LED(pin 7

how can i make the led work, i whant to make it red but how
December 9, 2023, 19:04

MicroSD shows up as Boot and Recovery Drives

I’m not sure if this is normal but whenever I plug the default MicroSD to a computer it shows up as Recovery and Boot drives. Also whenever I try to download something to the drive it tells me there is not enough space.
December 9, 2023, 19:08

Raspicam not working

My raspberry pi camera is getting detected but i can not use it.
December 9, 2023, 19:05

External led not working

I’m so stressed out rn I suck at doing this and I’ve been doing it all day! I’m trying to control my Christmas lights via Pico, the code is executing but not the lights. Is it a problem with the bread board, the lights or the code?
December 9, 2023, 19:04

Getting a helloworld app installed in a yocto image, not having much luck

I have successfully got a helloworld app/recipe built and installed in my qemu image. However, when I try to take the same helloworld app/recipe and install it in my raspberrypi image I just don't see it down in /usr/bin/. Anyone really good w/ yocto here? Here's my recipe ...
# File:
SUMMARY = "Simple Stupid Helloworld"
DESCRIPTION = "Simple stupid helloworld recipe using a github repo"
HOMEPAGE = "https : // "
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=1c036f239adde3d3505c1d394ed5d246"
SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https;branch=main"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
do_install () {
    install -d ${D}${bindir}
    install -m 0755 ${S}/bld/main ${D}${bindir}
Here's my <build dir>/conf/local.conf ...
# I added this
MACHINE ?= "raspberrypi4-64"

# Stuff that was added for me
DISTRO ?= "poky"
EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES ?= "debug-tweaks"
USER_CLASSES ?= "buildstats"
    STOPTASKS,${DL_DIR},1G,100K \
    STOPTASKS,/tmp,100M,100K \
    HALT,${TMPDIR},100M,1K \
    HALT,${DL_DIR},100M,1K \
    HALT,${SSTATE_DIR},100M,1K \
PACKAGECONFIG:append:pn-qemu-system-native = " sdl"

# More stuff I added
LICENSE_FLAGS_ACCEPTED = "synaptics-killswitch"
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " app-hello"
Based on this I'm expected a binary called main to be placed in /usr/bin/ but it's no where to be see.
December 9, 2023, 19:07

Best SD Card or USB for raspberry pi 5?

Im planning of getting raspberry pi 5 4gb ram and i've got all the components i need sorted out but i've just got one problem. im not sure that storage medium to use. I'm aiming for something that is fast and holds around 128gb or less
December 9, 2023, 19:08

Wich Raspberry Pi board?

hello i have a question, what board are better for controlling some light and alternating casually? Pi pico wh or arduino mini?
December 9, 2023, 19:03

Cant connect to Bluetooth dongle

Hi I'm trying to wirelessly connect to a Bluetooth dongle on my raspberry pi 4.The problem is, when I scan the pi doesn't show the dongle. I tried monitoring Bluetooth with Wireshark. It seems like there is no signal from the dongle, although it works fine with Bluetooth handsets. My ultimate goal here is to connect my pi to my ps4 and stream the audio from my ps4 to my raspberry pi. Some research gave me the ideas of using OTG or Bluetooth. I don't know enough about either topics to know if any of this is possible. the USB dongle can be found here: Questions 1. Is using this dongle possible, if not then why? 2. Are there other ways to approach this?
January 1, 2024, 17:12

Raspberry pi 4 cursed app overlays via XRDP

> yeah this is a recurring problem, you need to add a new user then use that user from now on
December 9, 2023, 19:02

Arduino eval() / parse() function

Hey, does anyone know any libraries for Arduino that contain a function similar or equal to eval/parse? One that supports things like pi & trigonometric functions would be ideal.
December 9, 2023, 19:03

usb rp2040 programming? atmega instead?

Hi guys, new here, sorry for my lack of knowledge, I have years of software coding experience but not much with rp or arduino. Kind of expecting to get roasted for asking about arduino here in the first place hahaha So I have a small project built using a pico pi. I have the goal of converting it to cheaper parts, as the pico costs me roughly 11 dollars here. I originally looked into using the rp2040 chip after learning about ics and avrs, however I was told it would be difficult to program the chip for use in a breadboard, and that I would be better off using an avr programmer. Went to the store, purchased a programmer as well as an atmega328P U. After a week of tinkering, I am now being told in an arduino server that I should be using the rp2040 😂 Can anyone help me to understand a bit about what kind of architecture and chipset I should use for my project?
December 9, 2023, 19:05

Raspberry pi 4B display intermittent ONLY ON PI OS

Hi there I come here in search of answers (I'm aware there may not be any). First off the basics: I have 2 pi 4b's and both have the same issue. The issue: I have done multiple installs across multiple MSD cards and it still happens, I'm using the generic PI OS 64X from the PI imager and to get a display across both raspberry pi's I have to hold a cable to the side, this has been tested with about 5 brand new and used cables and I still get this issue. The second I let go of the cable the display will either wig out or straight up stop displaying, so I began to think maybe I keep getting cables that are faulty (unlikely but possible) or both of my pi's across all 4 micro HDMI ports are faulty (also unlikely yet also possible). The really weird part: I had a random thought, I plugged in an MSD card with Retropie installed on it AND THE ISSUE ISN'T THERE! I can wiggle the micro end of the HDMI cable all I want, nothing, zilch, nada. It just works and this has got me entirely stumped is there something I'm doing wrong with the pi OS install? because I never had this problem previously. Regards - FrostSpark I will attach videos below ignore the mess on my desk.
December 9, 2023, 19:03

Raspberry Pi 5 Power Light both Green + Red Lights (Yellow)

I have one Raspberry Pi 5 that has just the Green light lit when it's on. However, I have another Raspberry Pi 5 that has both Red + Green lights lit when it's on. I can't find any documentation on what this means when it's both Red + Green (Yellow?). As far as I can tell, it seems to operate OK.
December 9, 2023, 19:03

Raspberry pi 3 won’t display on tv

The tv says no signal, when I plug the hdmi cable into it, it turns on, it just says no signal though. This is what the config file looks like, uncommenting does nothing though.

December 9, 2023, 19:02

Need help making a wireless router and/or wireless server on Pi 4 (no internet)

I am trying to accomplish two things separately to try them out and see which seems to perform the best. Currently I am working on a project where my computer runs a Nodejs server and connects to tablets via web sockets. This works fine when I'm on my home network of course. What I'd like to do is first: Make a wireless router with the Raspberry Pi 4 with no need for internet. I want to run the nodejs server on my computer, wirelessly connected to the Pi and all the tablets connected to the Pi. Second: I'd like to eventually run the nodejs server directly on the Raspberry Pi and connect to the tablets wirelessly. So basically turning the Pi into a wireless router and server (with no internet). I search for these things and what I find often refers to connecting to the internet with wifi or overwhelming results. So if anyone could just point me in the right direction I would much appreciate it!
December 9, 2023, 19:01

Cooling RPI 5

I plan on getting a Raspberry Pi 5 and also plan on overclocking it. Theoretically would i be able to remove the fan out of the fan case and use the active cooler with the case instead? would it fit?
December 9, 2023, 19:01

Lineage OS boot up black screen

I am having trouble with my raspi with Lineage OS on it it is able to be booted up but it is not showing up on the 7" screen but when plugged into HDMI it is perfectly fine is there a way to fix this. The person who made the is didn't give me anything since he stopped working with the raspi 3b+
December 9, 2023, 19:00

retro pi

Hi I’m building my retro pie and want to know if it’s possible to monitor cpu temps and fps on a lcd display
December 9, 2023, 18:58

can't empty the trash on headless pi?

i have no folder called Trash inside ~/.local/share. is the trash automatically deleted on Raspbian OS Lite, or is the trash folder located somewhere else?
December 9, 2023, 19:00

Controlling xRDP with wireless keyboard

Hey there. I bought a chinesium keyboard & trackpad combo, which comes with it's own tiny USB receiver. It works just fine while using it connected to HDMI. The problem is that I want to use it while using my phone as a screen thru xRDP, and use the keyboard to control the Pi. I have yet to find a way to make this happen. As far as I understand, every rdp/vnc session is a different "display" and I would somehow need to make either the keyboard apply to ALL screens, or make it so that I always connect to the main :0 screen. Any ideas?
December 9, 2023, 18:55

Windows Problems

Hey! First of all, i do know, that this is a Raspberry Pi server. But I do need some help with my Windows 10 Laptop! So I bought a Win11 Laptop, but I didn't want Win11, so i installed win10. But when I am trying to open the microsoft store, it does not work properly. When i open it up, the Feed will be shown as normal, but when I click on a App, to download it, i get the error "0X00000005". I've been trying to fix it, using the wsreset cmd, but it still doesn't work. When i try to open the tab, where I could see my downloads, I get an error that says something like "Unknown Layout specified in mainfest". It would be nice if anyone could help me out with this, even though this is a Raspberry Pi Community!

December 9, 2023, 19:02

Raspberry Pi 4 Performance Issues: Slowdowns and Freezes, Motion Detection Software

Hello 👋 I am using a Pi 4 4GB , Pi Camera V2, powered through a standard electrical outlet, running the Bullseye 64-bit image to implement motion detection software using Code::Blocks, OpenCV, C++ and GStreamer. However, the Raspberry Pi is extremely slow, suffering from delays and freezes. It becomes challenging to implement the motion detection software and add features, especially since the camera freezes as well. Overclocking is currently not an option and it even seems i dont have the option under settings. It wont let me overclock at all. <:confusedblob:1053364681575776276> I access the Pi through VNC, and I'm not sure if the performance issues are related to that, as I don't encounter any problems when working on my job tasks via VMWare. What could I do, and what might be the problem?
December 9, 2023, 18:54

Pi 5 Low Power - Anker 747 Charger (GaNPrime 150W)

I'm getting a message that the Anker 747 Charger (GaNPrime 150W) is not able to provide 5V 5A power. Anyone else have this issue? Is there a recommended power supply that can power multiple (3+) Raspberry Pi 5's?
December 9, 2023, 18:54

Pi 5 USB Boot is clunky

Flashing USB Boot SD card does nothing and it still boots from SD Card, remove the SD Card with only USB and the Pi idles, going into raspi-config on the sd card setting Boot Order to usb and then rebooting finally boots to the USB, if I reboot, it still boots into the usb and works flawlessly but the moment I shut it down and start it again, it will start to boot into the SD Card or idle without it.... Latest raspi-config and bootloader and checked wtih 2 usb drives, even USB 2.0, used rpi imager and official img, balena etcher, ubuntu server and raspbian, is anybody else having this issue or is it just that I am dumb?
December 9, 2023, 18:54

new to linux and pi, trying to flip my display (not rotate or invert) please help ;-;

I'm using a pi4 to drive a media installation where the image of the monitor is meant to reflect off of a pane of glass, this means that the display is inherently flipped (vertical orientation is correct but text is backwards). As far as I can tell, the orientation settings in preferences include "left, right, normal, inverted," none of which are what I'm looking for. It also seems that any attempts to add "rotate_display=0x10000" to the /boot/config.txt have no effect after saving and rebooting. I'm thoroughly stumped and could use some assistance.
December 9, 2023, 18:42

micro sd doesnt read on rpi4cm/io board

I hVe a micro sd card that when i inserted it too the tf slot nothing happens i have to use it via usb but doesnt work properly
December 9, 2023, 18:52

Pi zero / 5 inch screen help

Would anyone know how to set this touchscreen i recently ordered up? When i boot it on with my pi zero it shows the start up screen just fine but then it just shows a fading in and out white screen after that. The screen works fine with my laptop so im just confused why it only shows the start up screen with the pi zero.

December 9, 2023, 18:52

connecting pi 3 to portable tube tv

I got this tv id like to use as a display for my rbp 3 type c, would that be possible with adapters?