December 9, 2023, 17:59

Permanent Lifestream with Zero W

Hey guys, i like to have a lifestream for my garage can anyone recomend a good os for this or is there a good tutorial for this?
December 9, 2023, 18:01

This might sound crazy but is it possible to make a full qwerty keypad for the pi pico?

Hi so I've been wanting to make a little pocket dos/basic inspired handheld computer system inspired by the ones from the 1980s and early 2000s pdas and I want to make a blackberry style qwerty keypad for it. Does anyone have any advice for making qwerty keypads while saving as many gpio pins as possible as I need as many pins for the other elements of the system. I am using a raspberry pi pico to make it.
December 9, 2023, 18:13

PA system announcer [Total beginner]

Hey all! I'm brand new to Raspberry Pi and I have 0 experience with them, but from what I know, I think they would be the best option for my project, which goes as follows: - I need a device, that will play a sound through a PA system at set times. 9:00, 11:00, 13:30, etc. - It should choose a random sound every time from a pool of possible files in a folder, and each time should be able to have its own folder, so that they can have different types of announcements. - and lastly, it should have a 3,5mm aux output on it. I think this should be possible with a Raspberry Pi, right? And if it is, I would love to hear any recommendations for what I would need for it, and what has to be done to set it up! As I mentioned, I've never done anything with Raspberry Pis before, so don't be afraid to write things in uh, a simple way. 😅
December 9, 2023, 17:57

Control Tapo led strip

Is there any way to control the Tapo led strip using Raspberry pi?
December 9, 2023, 17:57


ok let's just pretend like we put it there
December 9, 2023, 17:58

Kept getting black screens after installing Kali Linux

Yoo guys so basically ive tried installing kali linux on my raspberry pi 2 and it kept getting black screen idk why. any help ? For my specs: Raspberry pi 2 32 bit system 2gb ram 128gb of storage
December 9, 2023, 17:55

TMP36 Python

Does anybody know how to read data fromm the TMP36 sensor? I cannot find anything helpful on the internet. I have a raspberry Pi 4b with raspberry pi os lite 64 bit installed. I need to have a script that can read the data from this sensor, or i have to connect to arduino but that is not what i want. Please Help!
December 9, 2023, 17:54

Cant Access Yacht WebUI

I'm using Yacht in a docker container on my device but I'm only able to access the the webUI on my device locally, I cant access Yacht or Portainers WebUI on another device despite it being on my LAN. Any help would be greatly appreciated, including pointing me in the direction of another community if this question is out of scope. 💕
December 9, 2023, 17:55

Trying to setup an alarm system with raspberry pi hardware

How do i facilitate communication between pico w's and a pi4 over wifi? I am trying to have the picos rigged up to sensors that are connected to doors. I was wondering how I would go about having those picos send data from the sensors to the main rpi4 unit that will power the alarm interface and backend. Thanks for any help.
December 9, 2023, 17:58

I have an old nokia n97 at home, is it possible to use the screen and keyboard for a PI zero 2w?

So I am looking for someone to discuss this with me because it would be a nice revive for the nokia n97
December 9, 2023, 17:52

Object dedection

Followed yt guide to set up object detection model, but when I run script it says it lacks "cv2". Googled it means I need to install opencv, but I cant install it cause it's getting errors. Where can I find up to date opencv download link?
December 9, 2023, 17:52

Hosting discord/telegram bots on raspberry pi

anyone knows how to self host discord/telegram bots on raspberry pi 4b?
December 9, 2023, 17:51

I cannot get the raspberry pi zero to boot

I tried multiple times, I image the operating system onto the microSD card from my computer using a usb reader, then I take it and place it into the raspberry pi. After a few seconds some things display saying "raspberry pi" and a graphic. Then sometimes it reboots but it never boots to the actual desktop and remains at a black screen. The LED on the raspberry pi is solid green/yellow when I leave it to boot (while its on a black screen). I don't know what else I can try.
December 9, 2023, 17:50

Raspberry Pi pico fingerprint sensor

is my wiring Rghit ? and how can i test it ?
December 9, 2023, 17:49

install oracle-java8-jdk

Hello guys ! I loosed my raspberry pi password so... I had to reset everything xD I'm having error when i try to download java. Is the command still up to date ?
December 9, 2023, 17:49

help making custom rapsberry pi os system

Hey, I’m here for one purpose and one purpose only I’m trying to make my own raspberry pi custom OS system. This OS system would be a program kind of like chat GPT I mainly focus on machine learning type of things and be more of an assistant. All I basically need help with is the overall necessity such as a kernel8.img, boot loader, main, and etc so I could at least put the SD card in and it would just at least execute the program. if you could help me with sending messages and a couple of other things like installing programs, I think that’s all I need for the most part I think after that I could catch on.  i’m aware that the raspberry pi does not have the power to obviously run major servers in the future. I might consider applying add-ons to the raspberry pi or maybe something else. But for now I would really love some help developing a custom raspberry pi operating system. Also, would like to mention that this custom OS I would really love to run possibly tensor flow models if you’re able to provide any other resources on this, I would greatly appreciate it . Thank you
December 9, 2023, 17:48

Touchscreen Tablet for Drawing

I’m thinking about making a Touchscreen Tablet for Drawing and Sketching. I really like the art software Paintool Sai and Affinity. I’m trying to decide for in the future to either get a drawing tablet for my computer or use my raspberry pi and maybe, make a Touchscreen Tablet There’s this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08Q7TH7GK What do Y’all think?
December 9, 2023, 17:48

esp8266 firmware flash

I am using a NodeMCU esp8266 and I want to flash AT firmware in it...can someone guide me through
December 9, 2023, 17:50

Pi Hole Ad block help

Hi, Ive set up my Pi hole and i believe I have set is as my primary DNS however im noticing Ads such as on news.com.au are still getting through. I am unsure what i have done wrong.
December 9, 2023, 17:45

Connection refused Nukkit Minecraft Server

So I'm having following problem: I created a Nukkit Minecraft Server with instructions from the internet. Now I can't connect to it even though the server is running. The only thing I changed compared to the instructions is the port, I'm running it on Port 9090 Could it be a firewall problem? Because the error I'm getting says "Connection refused" This is the website I used: https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/setup-minecraft-server-raspberry-pi/
December 9, 2023, 17:45

running chromium on Raspberry Pi

im trying to run chromium on my pi but it doesnt work pls
December 9, 2023, 17:44

Rechargeable battery for a raspberry pi 3 model b+ mini laptop

I will probably ask more questions on this project, but For now I just want to make sure I don't either 1: Fry the batteries or 2: fry the pi. Bonus points if its relatively compact. Even more bonus points if it's super safe and easy.
January 14, 2024, 09:55

Pi Zero 2 W not connecting to wifi

Are you trying to connect to a 5GHz Wi-Fi network? That will not work as Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W only support 2.4GHz Wi-Fi networks.
December 9, 2023, 17:43

Electrical Schematic using RPI

Hello guys. I'm trying to get an electrical schematic using a Raspberry PI 3B+, 2x L289N each connected with 2 DC motors and 3 ultrasonic sensor HC-SR03. From what I've seen so far, the sensors need resistors and the power supply of the driver modules must be separate.
December 9, 2023, 17:48

RPI4 Not Booting

Im trying to boot from an HDD with a powered SATA to USB
December 9, 2023, 17:43

Help with gameboy nano build

Im trying to create the "Gamboy Nano" that ive seen on thingiverse https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1334253 Ive been able to most of the parts except for 1. The 1 part im looking for is this analog/joystick component on the custom made pcb. Ive looked around a little bit and saw that maybe it was a 4 way tactile switch, but im not sure as I am new to this and this is my first project. If anyone could take a look and let me know what the joystick component is really called, that would be much appreciated!
December 9, 2023, 17:42

can one resister be used for multiple circuits?

Are these the same thing?

December 9, 2023, 17:41

Errors installing Ros 2

Hey! I'm facing an issue while installing Ros 2, if anyone knows anything, please help! the documentation instructions say to type: choco install -y -s <PATH\TO\DOWNLOADS\> asio cunit eigen tinyxml-usestl tinyxml2 bullet in an administrative shell. When I do with: choco install -y -s <D:\PR\Downloads\> asio cunit eigen tinyxml-usestl tinyxml2 bullet I get the error: At line:1 char:21 + choco install -y -s <D:\PR\Downloads\> asio cunit eigen tinyxml-usest ... + ~ The '<' operator is reserved for future use. + CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RedirectionNotSupported Again, if anyone knows what I can do, please reply!
December 9, 2023, 17:41

Run python script at startup

Hi all, I'm trying to get a python script to run when the pi starts up. I've tried crontab and rc.local, but neither works. I'm using a Pi 4.
December 9, 2023, 17:40

controle led strips whit pico W

i have a pico W and a led strip that i can control whit my phone over wifi, i what to control the led strips whit a few buttons an my pico W but i don't know where to start. i have Visual studio code, can someone help my.