December 9, 2023, 17:54

Forge Minecraft Server

Hey, I´m trying to create an Minecraft forge server on the Raspberry Pi4 (with lite os). But it doesn´t work. Have someone experience with this ?
December 9, 2023, 17:07

Network at Boot - Does it ever time out?

If I set my Pi to wait for Network at Boot, but for some reason my network goes out, will the Pi never boot at all, or will it timeout and just boot normally after awhile? I have it set to display the IP address on the terminal after boot, but sometimes it's blank after booting, but when I turn on Network at Boot, it works every time. I just don't want it to be completely locked out if the network goes down. Thanks!
December 9, 2023, 17:06

Raspberry Pi ssh access denied

i am doing this again
December 9, 2023, 17:09

Looking for a Simple Basic Project for Beginner to learn

I have a raspberry pi 4 here. I have a breadboard, some LEDs, some resistors, a button I am looking for a simple beginner project, talk to me like I'm a 5 year old who can read with good documentation so that I can learn working with Raspberry Pi, creating something on a bread board, pin assignment and basic Python -> to get hardware to do something. I know some Python - I can also look up things when I get a good base down A little about breadboard LEDs but I'm not great - I was trying to get this stupid LED to light up and I did for a bit then it died. I just would like a step by step project that I can see a positive result and then branch out from there. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
December 9, 2023, 17:08

can someone help me with my project 🙁 theses are the instruction.

Insert the Arduino Uno board on the breadboard, with its pins aligned with the breadboard's power rails. Connect the cathode (short leg) of the first LED to the ground rail of the breadboard using a 220 ohm resistor. Connect the anode (long leg) of the first LED to pin 13 of the Arduino Uno board using a jumper wire. Connect the cathode (short leg) of the second LED to the ground rail of the breadboard using a 220 ohm resistor. Connect the anode (long leg) of the second LED to pin 12 of the Arduino Uno board using a jumper wire. Connect one end of the push button to pin 2 of the Arduino Uno board, and the other end to the ground rail of the breadboard using a jumper wire. Connect the photoresistor to the breadboard, with one leg connected to the power rail of the breadboard and the other leg connected to the ground rail of the breadboard. Connect the middle pin of the photoresistor to pin A0 of the Arduino Uno board using a jumper wire. Connect another 220 ohm resistor from pin 2 of the Arduino Uno board to the power rail of the breadboard.
December 9, 2023, 17:01

multiple servers on a single Pi4

Hey I have a spare RPI4 8GB. I'm currently running octoprint off a 3B using a few GPIOs for Octolight (going to a relay) and I'm wanting to setup a PiHole. I know PiHole is not very intensive. Would it be feasible to just run Debian or something else and set up the 2 sperate servers on the same 8gb pi? What is the best way to approach it? Should I just leave the separate servers as individual pi's? I do power down the octoprint server if the printer errors while im away is this a bad idea if I was running pihole on the same pi? Is there a way to trigger the server to shut down/restart from my wifi switch or from a tuya server? Thanks in advance
December 9, 2023, 17:01

Direct x driver wine

Any ideas how to install direct x with wine ( beginner )
December 9, 2023, 17:05

Raspberry Pi pico EasyEDA

where is the pins for the usb. easyeda by the way
December 9, 2023, 17:04

Newbie trying to port project

Hello I'm looking for help porting this project into a RPI4 project while implement a few functions missing due to low processing power in STM32F746G DISCOVERY board. The function that i noticed missing is: Master-Tempo Link rekordbox Can anyone point me the right direction? I have minimal coding experience related to esp8266 for iot.
December 9, 2023, 17:00

Pi 4 model b no display on boot

i have tried different operating systems, different sd cards and nothing is working
December 9, 2023, 17:00

Recovering Raspberry Pi 3s

December 9, 2023, 16:59

is that fake RAM?

i bought a lot of Samsung ram and i verified that all the stickers are the same and they are not, does samsung even have factories in china and on the phillipines? also, on 18 ram sticks is a small 1429 and on the two china sticks is a small 1435 whats that?

December 9, 2023, 16:58

Install printer driver in CUPS

Hello can someone help me install the epson L120 printer in CUPS, apparently L120 is not listed on their options, when i try to install using the PDD file, it says missing driver and could not execute a filter I'm using 32bit armv7I Thank you

December 9, 2023, 16:59

cm-530 and raspberrypi

Hi does anyone know how to make connection between raspberrypi and cm-530. I doing the final year project where I need to put sensor with raspberrypi and sent the data to cm-530 which is for bioloid robot to move base on the input of the sensor
December 9, 2023, 17:25

Bootload Errors

I am trying to figure out what is causing this issue. I have 16 RPi4's installed and 2 devices boot to this error "occasionally". When it happens, sometimes I can reboot the Pi and it boots fine. This particular image, I have not been able to reboot it into a functioning OS. Another device, it works sometimes and doesn't work other times after rebooting. I originally had this issue when I added another FAT32 partition to the mix. Removing the partition fixed the issue (although, I did notice the error a couple times beyond this).
December 9, 2023, 16:59

CM4 NAS problem

December 9, 2023, 16:57

Hosting a react webapplication on the pi 3b+

I'm very new with the raspberry pi/linux and for my project I made an application with react.js. I've installed Nginx on the raspberry pi 3b+ but now I'm stuck. How do I put my javascript react webapplication on the pi? It has a PostGres database with graphql and prisma.
December 9, 2023, 17:04

authentication window popup

hello my friends, I am new to the Ras pi world and I need a little help, I am running rclone to grab pictures off of dropbox, and fbi to display them, every now and then during the slide show this pops up, any idea how to stop this from popping up thank you!
December 9, 2023, 16:56

which pi cam for the 3d printing

hi i want to add a pi cam to my 3d printer setup to watch how its going when i'm away.. it will be the zero 2 w but i was thinking about the new one the v3 but there is no software( what i can find ) that support this one to use it for streaming there is motioneyeos but is not supporting the v3 ... can someone help me with this one ..
December 9, 2023, 16:56

double sided breadboard???

Is there such thing as a breadboard that can be plugged in from the top and bottom? So like I want a button on the top of the breadboard and then from underneath I want to be able to plug the wires in there if this makes any sense 🤣
December 9, 2023, 16:53

Audio not working

So right now if i plug my headphones to jack on rpi3 and manualy play music, the sounds works great. But if instead play music from python program(using pygame) the sound not only is transmited via HDMI to speakers connected to screen, the sound quality is REALLy terrible How can i fix it so the audio is always transmited via jack? And also what about the sound quality?
December 9, 2023, 16:53

raspberry pi as music player

i was looking if i can use spotify on raspberry pi and it seems like it require some additional workarounds. i want to make music player which could play songs from spotify, SoundCloud or ones that or device so my question is how difficult that would be? what raspberry would be best for it? i work as front end developer and have experience with writing apps, programs for arduino etc so programming this shouldn't be much of a problem
December 9, 2023, 16:51

FFMPEG Optimize Encoding for Chrome Video playback on RPI

I am in search of someone who can help me optimize some video's using ffmpeg. The videos will be streamed internally on a network to ~ 50 raspberry pi's that will play the video on chrome using html <video> tag. If anyone knows of a discord or subreddit or any direction to point me. It would be greatly appreciated. I am currently just choosing random encodings and adjusting sliders hoping for the best.
December 9, 2023, 16:55

nextcloud security issue?

found out that a random guy created an account on my cloud and managed it somehow to dump a 60GB file called "all_in_one.7z" into it(the account is limited to 10GB) and that file does not show up in the user table, should i take that serious or is that just a file with manupilated metadata or dmth like that?
December 9, 2023, 16:51

Access Raspberry Pi without SD Card & Ethernet Cable

hello! im essentially brand new to raspberry pi, my brother fell in love w them and has gifted me one to tinker w, but i am at school & didn't bring a microSD card reader, is there any way to connect to my pi without having to need any specific cables? I do have a small extra monitor that I can connect the Pi to.
December 9, 2023, 16:55

Which Rasberry Pi model , screen and battery should I buy for my project?

wait but isn't rasperry based on it ?
December 9, 2023, 16:52

Ubuntu 20.4.5 Server installation

Please help me in installation of Ubuntu 20.4.5 Server
December 9, 2023, 16:50

Best way to waterproof a project

I’ve looked into containers/oiling…ect but what is the best way to waterproof my project including the wirings, that is constantly exposed to water like the lake. I don’t want to risk breaking my Raspberry Pi thanks 🙂
December 9, 2023, 16:48

Pi 3b v1.2 wifi not working

Anyone able to help troubleshoot why the wifi doesn't work on this pi. I've tried about everything I can find and am now resorting to discord help. Ethernet works fine.
December 9, 2023, 16:49

UFW not working correctly?

i have a small bot problem with my Minecraft Server, every hour bots try to join so the server starts (it starts on player join) so i read into ufw to block that ip from where the requests come and they are still going through the firewall 🤔 why?