January 12, 2024, 20:25

How do you use a pi v2 camera on a raspberry pi4 using Ubuntu 20.04 ?

I need help to enable my pi v2 camera on this os. I did not find any sucessful tutorial online. When i do raspistill -o photo.jpg i have the error saying to enable it in raspi-config but i cannot because the option just don’t appear (i have the last debian package from 2024 04 jan. ). At the command : ´´´vcgencmd get_camera´´´ i have the output : supported=0 detected=0, libcamera interfaces=0
January 12, 2024, 17:10

Need help booting from USB

Hi, I recently bought a Pi4 to use as server for Home Assistant. I also bought a USB to SATA-connector to use a old(ish) SSD as boot device. However, I am having issues booting from the USB. From Googling I found that most people said you needed the official power adapter, which I bought and just got. Besides this, I've flashed a SD-card to get USB boot into the Pi. It works perfectly - the green light flashes rapidly. After this, I disconnect the power to the Pi, I insert the USB with the SSD, and give the Pi power. The red light is constantly on, with the green light flashing fast once, followed by keeping the light on for about 10 seconds. After that the green light turns off, and repeats after about 10 seconds. Any help is appriciated!
January 12, 2024, 12:42

invalid username or password - vnc login into second user

when logging into main user it works fine, but when i try the second user it says the username or password is wrong?
January 12, 2024, 11:27

RaspAP not finding clients anymore after raspbian reinstallation but working in terminal.

Hi. As mentioned in the title it did work but I messed up my raspbian installation and had to redo it. Now it won't find any clients I could associate with anymore. It doesn't show up clients I can connect with my secondary usb plugged in alfa adapter "wlan1" on the web config page. Scanning in terminal is working fine If I scan for wifis in terminal my wlan1 is working and showing it correctly. What am I missing? Cheers! Max
January 12, 2024, 11:09

RaspAP not finding clients on wlan1 but working in terminal. Previous installation was working fine.

Hi. Can someone help me with raspap configuration? It doesn't show up clients I can connect with on the web config page. Yesterday it did but I messed up my install and had to reinstall. If I scan for wifis in terminal my wlan1 is working and showing it correctly. What am I missing? Cheers! Max
January 12, 2024, 05:19

Weird display (framebuffer?) issue.

I've got a 480x800 display in HDMI-1, and a 1920x1080 in HDMI-2. I normally keep HDMI-1 in an orientation where I have to set its rotation to "left" and it then becomes 800x480. But whether or not I rotate it, HDMI-2 shows the contents of HDMI-1 on the right side of the screen, but with the top line of pixels missing. I've tried numerous adjustments in arandr and in /boot/config.txt to no avail. Also of note is that anything I click on on the right screen, the actual click happens about 2 inches to the left of wherever the arrow is. If I move the arrow onto HDMI-1, it doesn't show up in the area of HDMI-2 where HDMI-1's screen is showing, but the effects of me clicking do. But where it gets really weird is that if I set the rotation of HDMI-2 to inverted, it works perfectly fine, other than it's annoying having my monitor upside down.
January 12, 2024, 04:50

SERVO2040 (New User)

Hello, I’ve never used a raspberry pi before and I have a SERVO2040 and I’m not sure if it’s working right. What happens is the onboard leds are rgb but only flash red. Also I’m using Mu Editor and circuit python. I have no idea what I’m doing but I’m just following the circuit python welcome guide. Also the leds turn like whitish when I press serial and any key in Mu Editor.
January 11, 2024, 23:51

kernel message on rpi5 - ignore?

to be ignored?
January 11, 2024, 23:27

Help with Electronic Ink Screen

Hello I need help setting up my e-ink raspberry pi screen. I recently bought a Raspberry Pi 4 model b and a programmable e-ink screen. I've been searching on the internet for tutorials on my topic, but all i can find are animation demos for the screen. I am wondering if it would be possible to use it as the main display, just like using a monitor with the micro-HDMI. My monitor is the Waveshare 4.2 inch e-paper module. Thanks
January 11, 2024, 22:53

issues with xrdp

logging with username and pass logs into the pi with a broken grahical interface, it was fine before. is this a known fix or known issue?
January 11, 2024, 21:53

Problems when running python code on raspberry pi 4b

I've been trying to connect a raspberry pi 4b to ads1115 for a few days now. I've never worked with this board before and I'm totally new to this. The wiring is correct from what I have seen on the internet, but when I download the library from the Adafruit ADS1X15 I get an error when running the code. I work with Python and operating system is Raspberry OS Lite. I have tested the board with Arduino and C++, it works without any problems. This is part of my thesis project and I would appreciate your help.
January 11, 2024, 13:32

Static IP address on Raspberry Pi 4

Hello, Im strugling to set up a static IP address on my raspberry pi 4. when I open dhcpcd, It is completely empty. Ive heard that i might have to use Network Manager but im not sure how. Can anybody help me with this problem?
January 11, 2024, 13:25

low latency video streaming

Hey! I have being at this for a while, I am trying to stream the video captured on my pi camera on my raspberry pi to my PC live via the network. Although I have done so successful the latency has been high, the lowest I have gotten is 5 seconds which is way to much for my project. Anyone who knows this kind of stuff willing to help? Thanks!
January 11, 2024, 08:11

How to install vnc on bookworm

you can open the real vnc server in the main menu, check if it has any errors
January 11, 2024, 05:57

anyway to fix dead usbs/pcie link down on 4b?

booted up my pi and it says 'pcie: link down' assuming this means that the usbs are down (which they are) how can i fix this?
January 10, 2024, 23:32

I’m very new to Pi and I just need help to get started. I need help getting headless SSH working

I’m trying to follow this tutorial And I can’t even start step one because I can’t get SSH working. Any help?
January 10, 2024, 21:57

Help with ads1115

I am new to Linux and raspberry pi. I have problems with Adafruit library in python.
January 10, 2024, 19:55

Low latency video streaming

Hey! I have being at this for a while, I am trying to stream the video captured on my pi camera on my raspberry pi to my PC live via the network. Although I have done so successful the latency has been high, the lowest I have gotten is 5 seconds which is way to much for my project. Anyone who knows this kind of stuff willing to help? Thanks!
January 10, 2024, 18:50

how can i make a batch file that first opens an instance of a terminal then runs commands?

on startup i would like to run three different scripts all of which open their own terminal seperately so i can monitor them. is this possible? i can run the apps, but without console i cant monitor
January 10, 2024, 16:55

Sixfab 4G/LTE Cellular Modem Kit or USB Cell in / USB wifi out RPI5

Hello, and if you are reading this thanks for taking the time to help. I was curious, before I buy a Sixfab 4G/LTE Cellular Modem Kit (Telit LE910C4-NF) for my kit I was wondering if a 3G/4G LTE USB antenna modem with sim or 4G/5G Dual Band USB antenna modem with sim would work just fine across country as my data input source, while also on the same Pi 5 8gb board using a USB Dongle of some type to output Wifi 5 (and 6/6e if possible) to output the mentioned wifi? Also, when I program the Pi to function in this manner, could I also program (or would I even need to program?) the Pi 5 to also allow output via the ethernet port, or would I need a micro usb to Ethernet Port device? Thanks in advice for any help. This is my first project with the Pi and I want to have the right hardware before messing around with trying to program this, as well as using OpenWRT as I think i must. If the dongles will provide a similar result as the Sixfab option it is much cheaper. Any suggestions on the model of each usb device you would use? Thank you again in advance!
January 10, 2024, 13:04

Rpi 4 doesn't boot after crash (error 110 whilst intialising sd card)

blk_update_request I/O error, dev mmcblk0 error 110 whilst intialising sd card got data interrupt 0x0000002 even though no data operation was in progress
January 10, 2024, 06:40

ssh into raspi from anywhere

January 9, 2024, 23:49

Setup arch on my pi4

I DL the ach.iso and setup my SD card with raspberry imager, with the import And when I started my rasp, and there was the default display of the raspberry when there is no OS to be detected, and looped "booting BRX-USB", but never boot, does anyone have an idea?
January 9, 2024, 19:26

Anologue pins on ESP32 Dev Board

Hi all, can anyone clarify if this board has anologue inputs? I cant decypher the manual as there seems to be more pins than the board actually has in the detailed specs
January 9, 2024, 18:50

nvme pcie file

Recently bought raspberry pi 5 connected the pcie cable to the nvme bottom from pimeroni and it says on their website I need to add the line dtparam=pciex1_gen=3 to the config.txt but when I do it says failed to save too many levels of symbolic links please can somebody help me ??
January 9, 2024, 09:19

Can't build Chiaki PS5 remote-play

Hi, I am trying to build chiaki. A Playstation remote play client on the rasberry pi. I've been following this guide here:,-64bit,-h265-and-kmsdrm But I am running to an error in step 5 when running make -j3 Does anyone know what's going on or how should I proceed??
January 8, 2024, 21:53

VNC Server not working on Pi 3B

Hi I just setup my pi 3b with a recommended raspbian OS and i used command sudo raspi-config and enabled vnc and restarted my pi, but vnc isnt working. my pi is on wifi and my pc is on ethernet, but on the pi vnc server doesnt show as running, i can only find vnc viewer
January 8, 2024, 21:14

ETH0 problem

I was trying to make my RPI into a hotspot, i managed to mess up my eth0 which now shows as end0, which breaks my PiHole aswell, been trying to search for a while and found no fix
January 8, 2024, 16:37

My pi’s interface is way too big! how do i make it smaller?

January 8, 2024, 16:24

Rasberry pi pico W USB CDC Wifi

Actually i use a cable to connect my pcbs with my PC and i want to add wifi (see the pictures) and my question is how can i add a rasberry pi pico W to communicate between the pc software and my pcbs through the wifi and the usb