December 9, 2023, 17:25

Help Creating A Universal Remote hub

I'm trying to create a universal remote to replace a harmony hub and I have no idea how to start.
December 9, 2023, 17:26

Raspberry Pi 3b+ LED broken

I found a raspberry pi (3b+)lying around in the house without a proper psu(this is my first time using a pi) I stuck raspbian onto a sd card and put it in the pi and it booted up and i did the setup. I powered it off because I had to go. Later that day when I tried to power it on again it refused to turn on the green light. I thought it might be polyfuse and left it for 48 hours before trying again with a phone charger and now no matter what the green light doesnt come on. help?!
December 9, 2023, 17:23

Tiny Programmable LED lights?

I want to work on a hand-held globe where different countries can be lit up using programmable LED lights. Does anyone know if there are programmable LED lights small enough for this purpose? I tried to google around but most results I get are for consumer lights using a light remote.
December 9, 2023, 17:46

problem with opencvstream

Hi I using a raspberrypi 4 b where I need to stream video from picam and the video will stream on the specific server that I create but when I run the coding it always show this error and I already stuck right now here the error message : Warning! No module named 'sounddevice' Warning! No module named 'tensorflow' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/spartanpi/Desktop/spartan/", line 2, in <module> import pyshine as ps # pip3 install pyshine==0.0.9 apa File "/home/spartanpi/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyshine/", line 8, in <module> from .convenience import putBText File "/home/spartanpi/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyshine/", line 42, in <module> from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn File "/home/spartanpi/Desktop/spartan/", line 7, in <module> server_socket.bind((LOCALHOST,port)) OSError: [Errno 98] Address already in use
December 9, 2023, 17:20

trying to program my pi pico using arduino ide. for some reason, i can't get digitalRead to work.

I've got it printing the value of digitalRead to the serial. even if i take a jumper wire and connect it directly to my input pin, i get nothing. it still reads as low.
December 9, 2023, 17:21

Raspberry PI won't start?

Hello, I turned my PI on after a few months and it won't get past some screen with a lot of information. I will post a photo of the screen in here
December 9, 2023, 17:23

Raspberry pi and artnet (DMX)

I have a pi 3 B+ and a 3 A+ and was wondering how I could connect them to my unreal dmx console using artnet. I would like one of them to emit the solid colour received through the projector that is connected via hdmi.
December 9, 2023, 17:17

Raspberry pi Project Piano Led Strips lightshow

I want to make a LED strip working that when I press a key on the Piano, the LED there shine up. I have everything set up and the LED's are working (WS2812B) So i just have to find someone to help me "program" it I think? If anyone can help pls here! Thanks 😉
December 9, 2023, 17:16

SPI problem spidev library to interface with one sensor and it requires to send 32 bits of data.

I want to send 32 bits of data (lets say 0X128932). But, xfer2 sends just 8 bits of data or list of 8 bits of data. So, I am sending 32 bits of data in list as [0x12,0x89,0x32] as I have saleae and i am checking the spi waveform on the logic analyser. So, I want to ask is 0x128932 same as [0x12,0x89,0x32] ??
December 9, 2023, 17:15

pi 3B 4K upscale?

Hey guys, is a 3B good enough to upscale photos into 4k? If so, is it even possible to add that upscaler script into a html file so I could do it from like my phone or other pcs purely in LAN?
December 9, 2023, 17:15

Raspberry pi pico noise issue while mp3 is playing through speaker

I hooked up a low pass filter to my raspberry pi pico, I thought it removed the noise but it turns out it was just the audio file playing, Its not an issue with the file its all the right sample rate, I did the math and made sure the frequency was okay as well, I'm not sure why its still making noise and it only happens while audio plays and discontinues once the power to the amplifier as stopped.
December 9, 2023, 17:17

SSH stopped working

Hey guys, so I was testing pm2 commands to keep my server running 24/7 and I just ssh into my pi from my windows pc by this format in terminal: ssh name@hostname.local I also login this wаy: ssh name@hostname What I have realized is that it works sometimes and it’s driving my crazy!! How do I fix this?
December 9, 2023, 17:14

Sound Options through RP4

Working on a hockey siren project that activates a rotating beacon if a selected hockey team scores. Curious of the best option to play custom audio (e.g. horn sounds, goal music, etc.) through a RP4. I have an 8ohm speaker & LM386 chip, but now I'm thinking that can only be used to process the most basic of sounds through PWM (am I wrong?). Trying to not send the audio over bluetooth to a speaker to avoid having an additional peripheral (which decreases portability of the device). Any other options y'all can think of?
December 9, 2023, 17:14

Velleman VMP400 and RasPi

I just set up my VMP400 and installed the drives on a fresh RasPi image. Its a 2011.12 RPi 1 Model B. Everything booted fine, SSHd in, followed the instruction manual. Pi rebooted, touch screen is black. If i run sudo ./LCD-hdmi, I can reboot and get HDMI output. I am going to work on it a bit more tonight. Any guidance would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
December 9, 2023, 17:13

Pico making crackling sound when audio is played via mp3audio on circuitpython

So i'm making a portable soundboard using a raspberry Pi pico but the sound crackles when audio is coming through. It has an amp so power isn't an issue?
December 9, 2023, 17:11

Checking power requirements - need advice

Hi I would like to use two to three sata SSDs connected to my raspberry pi via a SATA to USB 3.0 connector on a USB hub, however I'm unsure if it would consume too much power and I would need to get a powered hub instead. Do let me know if you think I should get a powered hub or it would be fine just to get a simple hub!
December 9, 2023, 17:12

PI Pico Flight Controller on QuadCopter with Video LiveStream to Phone/PC on same network (WiFi)

My idea was to build a drone that would be running some CNN network on the image from the camera. The first step is to get a drone up and running with RF Controller! Second step to attach a camera and video feed! Third step is to process video input with algorithms and get desired movement response. So I have been doing some research one of which is your videos and I have seen the basic parts of drones: 1) Brushless Motors x4 2) 4 ESC or a 4in1 ESC 3) PDB 4) FC 5) Reciver 6) Transmiter This is basic drone setup with no vision. Which is the picture shown below! (1st Picture) I was woundering regarding the FC (Flight Controller) as they are pricey how hard is it to get it up and running and functioning on your own? The Flight Controller consists of Pi Pico and Mpu6050, Qmc5883 Modules. These calculations can run I have seen a similiar project! Could I also use GPS and can the Pico handle its calculations? The Reciver and Transmiter can be bought although ill build one myself with Arduino. All other is bought as parts, machined parts not easy to make urself!
December 9, 2023, 17:11

cm4 flash issues

first im pretty new to Pi. (have used octoprint/mainsail/kliper) cm4 with emmc and Wifi, the chip came from a scyncobit hnt miner. cm4 was working fine just needed a new image. used loaded the new image with pi imager, with rpi boot. on startup act 3s 3l. pi imager ran erase. (rpiboot.exe -d msd -v -l) now rpiboot gives only: Device located successfully Loading: msd/bootcode4.bin Initialised device correctly Found serial number 3 Sending bootcode.bin libusb_bulk_transfer sent 24 bytes; returned 0 Writing 106008 bytes libusb_bulk_transfer sent 106008 bytes; returned 0 Successful read 4 bytes Waiting for BCM2835/6/7/2711... act light act 4long 5short tried different pc, on mint Linux , different cables. same result. Compute Module 4 IO Board ordered
December 9, 2023, 17:13

Art Installation - Shape recognition

Hello @everyone, I'm new to programming, let say it first. This is my first big project, and it needs to be done for the end of June. So I still have lot of time. The idea : Have a big cloud at few feets high that react to people dancing under. This will trigger thunder, lighting, and rain. This is for a Burning Man installation (if you know it), so in the middle of a desert. How : Use the camera placed top down to recognize some shapes or even simple objects (umbrella, cloud, thunder) drawn by people underneath. Activate addressable LEDs, play some sound, and activate a water pump with a 4 way relay What I have : Rasp 3b Raspcam IR Raspberry DAC Volumio WS2811 LED 12V water pump 4 Way delay, 12V So at this point, I'm not sure how to handle the recognition part. I was thinking of openCV and some shapes recognition, but having people, shadows and so this will probably not work. So maybe training some GAN, but I can't find enough picture to create a proper dataset. Maybe there is a better solution that I'm not aware. If anyone has an idea on how to do ? Thank you

December 9, 2023, 17:16

What M.2 SATA SSD should I get for my Raspberry Pi 4B?

December 9, 2023, 17:08

Use Pi as Wireless Access Point AND access that pi like a server

Hi, I'm looking for a point in the right direction. I've followed a bunch of the guides to create a pi access point, but I need some direction on obtaining an IP for the pi that is serving the hotspot. The pi by default seems to create an AP that is subnetted separate from the pi itself. In my ideal world, I would have zero ethernet. Zero internet. Just a pi with Apache and the wifi hotspot allowing others to connect to that apache server.
December 9, 2023, 17:08

Could anyone help me on this?

Potentiometer: Modify your build to add a potentiometer to each of the color legs of the RGB LED. Program to light the color only when the photoresistor senses no light.
December 9, 2023, 17:22

Windows Remote Desktop on Raspberry Pi

How can I use windows remote desktop on raspberry pi. I tried a tutorial from the internet, but after i logged in, there´s a blue screen. Pleas help me.
December 9, 2023, 17:54

Forge Minecraft Server

Hey, I´m trying to create an Minecraft forge server on the Raspberry Pi4 (with lite os). But it doesn´t work. Have someone experience with this ?
December 9, 2023, 17:07

Network at Boot - Does it ever time out?

If I set my Pi to wait for Network at Boot, but for some reason my network goes out, will the Pi never boot at all, or will it timeout and just boot normally after awhile? I have it set to display the IP address on the terminal after boot, but sometimes it's blank after booting, but when I turn on Network at Boot, it works every time. I just don't want it to be completely locked out if the network goes down. Thanks!
December 9, 2023, 17:06

Raspberry Pi ssh access denied

i am doing this again
December 9, 2023, 17:09

Looking for a Simple Basic Project for Beginner to learn

I have a raspberry pi 4 here. I have a breadboard, some LEDs, some resistors, a button I am looking for a simple beginner project, talk to me like I'm a 5 year old who can read with good documentation so that I can learn working with Raspberry Pi, creating something on a bread board, pin assignment and basic Python -> to get hardware to do something. I know some Python - I can also look up things when I get a good base down A little about breadboard LEDs but I'm not great - I was trying to get this stupid LED to light up and I did for a bit then it died. I just would like a step by step project that I can see a positive result and then branch out from there. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
December 9, 2023, 17:08

can someone help me with my project 🙁 theses are the instruction.

Insert the Arduino Uno board on the breadboard, with its pins aligned with the breadboard's power rails. Connect the cathode (short leg) of the first LED to the ground rail of the breadboard using a 220 ohm resistor. Connect the anode (long leg) of the first LED to pin 13 of the Arduino Uno board using a jumper wire. Connect the cathode (short leg) of the second LED to the ground rail of the breadboard using a 220 ohm resistor. Connect the anode (long leg) of the second LED to pin 12 of the Arduino Uno board using a jumper wire. Connect one end of the push button to pin 2 of the Arduino Uno board, and the other end to the ground rail of the breadboard using a jumper wire. Connect the photoresistor to the breadboard, with one leg connected to the power rail of the breadboard and the other leg connected to the ground rail of the breadboard. Connect the middle pin of the photoresistor to pin A0 of the Arduino Uno board using a jumper wire. Connect another 220 ohm resistor from pin 2 of the Arduino Uno board to the power rail of the breadboard.
December 9, 2023, 17:01

multiple servers on a single Pi4

Hey I have a spare RPI4 8GB. I'm currently running octoprint off a 3B using a few GPIOs for Octolight (going to a relay) and I'm wanting to setup a PiHole. I know PiHole is not very intensive. Would it be feasible to just run Debian or something else and set up the 2 sperate servers on the same 8gb pi? What is the best way to approach it? Should I just leave the separate servers as individual pi's? I do power down the octoprint server if the printer errors while im away is this a bad idea if I was running pihole on the same pi? Is there a way to trigger the server to shut down/restart from my wifi switch or from a tuya server? Thanks in advance
December 9, 2023, 17:01

Direct x driver wine

Any ideas how to install direct x with wine ( beginner )